Chapter 20

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This chapter is dedicated to That_girl98 because of all the amazing support! Also don't forget to follow me on Instagram- sarina_pink !!! And if you'd like to talk to me in a more private manner than here is my kik- sarina3740 !!! Again thank you guys so much for all the support and I know I'm not as connected with you guys as I used to be a month ago but you'd have to blame school for that, i have to prepare for next year already and I get a ton of homework everyday! Sometimes I have to stay up till midnight just to publish a chapter, on a school night. (You can also blame tumblr but yea wattpad too) anyways enough rambling, this is where the drama starts, or I guess where the flame ignites... Yea no.. Anyways baiii- Sarina


It was a usual Thursday, I had just returned back from work and was planning on watching a movie. Nothing special, or out of the ordinary.

I was still extremely excited to see my dad, I wonder if he ever got remarried, do I have any step sisters? The thoughts circled my mind as I put the Little Mermaid DVD in the disc drive. I grabbed my bowl of popcorn and grabbed a handful to stuff in my mouth, I wasn't like most girls who actually care about calories. As long as I'm healthy I don't care about my weight, there are bigger problems to solve in the world than trying to be skinny. But then again, most of my opinions are strange and stupid, so whatever.

After the movie was over my phone started ringing so I quickly picked it up, it was my dad. Oh my god, he's calling me. This is all new to me, what would I say? "Hello?" I spoke, hoping it was actually him. I needed to know he didn't give up on me, I need to know I I'm not completely alone. "Maria? Honey is that you?" The voice on the other end spoke. I kind of remember his voice, and still remember how he used to look from family pictures. He still sounded the same. It was actually him. "Hi dad, it's me." I said, the word "dad" sounded unfamiliar to me as it came out of my mouth. "Oh my god I missed you so much Maria, you realize how hard it was to actually find Kelly's number. After talking to her she told me you moved to New York." He explained, as I listened very carefully, I wanted to remember his voice in my mind, and hopefully I'll have a face to match with it soon.

"I missed you too dad, and yeah I did. I moved here a year ago, I have an internship at this fashion design place. Life is good here, what about you?" I asked, I wanted to know what he did after leaving me, us. "I'm glad to hear that, I'm glad you're happy after... After what happened. Anyways I'm doing good too, I think Kelly probably already told you but I got a job as an assistant. Oh and I also got re-married three years ago." He explained. He's married, I have a step mom and I didn't even know.

Did I have any step brothers or sisters? What is my step mother like? Will I like her? The questions kept bugging me, I wanted to know how my other family, or "new" family lives. "That's great, what's her name? What is she like?" I asked, extremely curious to know. "Her name is Catherine, I have a feeling you would like her. She has a daughter about your age; nineteen and I think you guys would be great friends. Her name is Natasha, she's really sweet." He explained, I froze in place. I have missed out on so much of half my life. I had a sister and a second mother I didn't even know about. I wonder if he forgot about me because of her, did she replace me?

"That's great, so where are you at the moment?" I asked, trying to sound as cheerful as possible. "I live in Los Angeles, it's amazing here. I'm actually in Manhattan right now, I'm staying at a hotel, it's a business trip so the family isn't with me at the moment." He explained, he sounded happy. I was extremely surprised, he's in New York. He's only a few miles way from me. "Oh that's great, maybe we can meet up sometime?" I asked, unsure of what his answer would be. "That sounds great, I'm driving over to Time Square tomorrow, you can meet me at a restaurant somewhere there at six?" He offered, I had work. I'm sure I could ask for an early leave, I have to see him. "That's great, send me the address tomorrow and I'll call you back later." I said with a smile. We said our goodbyes and I hung up.

I felt like texting Niall so I grabbed my phone after cleaning the house and decided to call him.

"Hello?" He spoke, with his beautiful thick Irish accent. I loved the sound of his voice, I wonder how good of a singer he really is. "Hi Niall." I said with a smile, he makes me happy even when he's not here, it's a strange feeling really. "Hello princess, what's happening?" He asked, I loved how he called me his Princess, because he was like a prince to me. "Well I was just watching a movie I guess, I was bored so I wanted to call you." I said, I wasn't going to tell him about my dad, not yet at least.

"That's great, I'm actually with Zayn right now." He explained. "Oh well I wouldn't want to intrude, goodbye." I mumbled, as I walked into my closet, looking through different types of fabric, trying to find something to wear for tomorrow evening. "You're not intruding Maria, I always have time for you. You know that." He said, and I could tell he was serious. I smiled at his sweet words, he knew how to make me feel special. It's hard, almost impossible, to make me happy. After all the things I've seen and been through I used to think I would never be happy again, I even tried to kill my self once before Louis stopped me. But all of that was before I met Niall, he understands me; he knows exactly what I need to hear.

After talking for ten more minutes I finally said goodbye and hung up, it was getting late anyway. I changed into my pajamas and brushed my hair before putting it into a messy bun. I washed my face and went under the covers. I fell asleep thinking about my mother, my dad, Niall, and my life in general.

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