Chapter 15

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PLEASE READ- okay so I'm thinking about dedicating chapters to people from now on and all you have to do is vote and comment some thing nice or some fact about yourself because I would like to get to know my readers better! Don't forget to like and comment and thank you guys for all the reads! -Sarina


It's been nearly a week since I've actually tried to talk to my friends, I have several missed calls from them and even more messages. Everything was great, Louis and I were best friends and best of all, Niall was my boyfriend and now I'm practically alone and I don't even know if Niall still wants me or not. Why do I always have the tendency to ruin things?

I get off the couch and stretch, I felt like going for a run at the moment. I headed into my walk in closet and grabbed my yoga clothing.

I tied my hair into a high pony tail, grab my iPod and earphones and head out.

I put my iPod on shuffle and start running, not knowing where I was heading. After running several blocks I finally stop at a subway, feeling a bit hungry.

I walk into the store and get in the long line of costumers waiting for their food. I feel a light tap on my shoulder and look over my shoulder to see who it was, to find Liam standing behind me in line. I gave him a friendly smile and took my earphones off. "Morning Maria." He greeted me with his friendly smile. "Morning." I reply back, taking a step forward since someone had revived their order and left. "What brings you here?" He asks, trying to start small talk with me. "Well I was on a run and decided to grab some food I guess." I say turning back around.

Once it was my turn I quickly ordered my sandwich and paid the money, walking out of the store as quickly as possible. It felt extremely awkward to talk to Liam after basically ignoring everyone for nearly a week.

I continued my run through the park and near the pond. Oh great, I thought as I caught Louis sitting on a bench near the same pond. He was definitely going to ask me some questions.

"Maria! We need to talk." He yells from across the pond, trying to catch my attention. I took off my earphones and walked over to him, taking a seat. "Are you alright?" He asked, why isn't he mad at me? I practically called him off two weeks ago and now he's acting like nothing happened. "Shouldn't you be even the slightest bit mad?" I asked, fiddling with my fingertips so I wouldn't have to look into his face.

"You're right, I should be." He said, nodding in agreement. "But I care about your feelings much more than some stupid argument." He whispered, making me smile. "I have wanted to say sorry about that night." I said, trying to apologize. "It's alright, now answer my question. What's going on with you and Niall?" He asks. I let out a long sigh and look back at him. "We had the same argument." I said. I missed Niall so much, I wonder if he missed me. I doubt it, but even though Im supposed to be ignoring everyone I want to see him so badly.

"Well I know for a fact that he misses you as much as I'm sure you miss him." Louis replied, like he had just read my thoughts. "I can't just go and talk to him." I say, waving my hands in the air. "Well of course you can, he's your boyfriend after all." He says with a smile. "Well I don't even know what we are anymore." I mumble as Louis gets out of his seat. "I better get going love." He says, giving me a kiss on the cheek as I watch him leave.

After running a little more I finally got tired and walked back home, taking off all my clothing to take a hot shower. I scrubbed every inch of my body making sure all the sweat and dirt disappeared. After I was satisfied I wrapped my body around with a towel and put my hair in a wet bun before walking out of the shower. I heard my phone vibrate a few times but chose to ignore them until I got dressed. I wore my fuzzy pj's and walked out of my closet and back into the shower to dry my hair.

Once I was done with everything I sat on the living room couch and unlocked my phone to see who bad texted me. I was a little confused, I didn't know who it was, it was just a blocked I.d.

Blocked Number- you'll pay.

I got a weird feeling in my stomach after reading that text but I'm sure it was just Harry, or Zayn or something playing a prank on me. I didn't put much thought into it and decided to watch television.

After hours of watching old Pretty Little Liars episodes I fell asleep on the couch, not bothering to walk back to the bedroom.

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