Chapter 5

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Thank you guys for the 50 reads I really am thankful you guys are the best lyke srsly. Anyway so I finally updated!! -Sarina


*four days later*

It was our last day in Miami and I wanted to spend in inside, with Niall. I was watching TV in the hotel room when Niall walked in and took a seat next to me. "Hey, whatcha watching?" He asked, wrapping his arm around me. "Nothing, there's nothing to watch." I said, as my phone started ringing. I looked at the number; it was a call from Ohio. I walked over to the bedroom, making sure to lock the door. "Hello?" I whispered. "Maria? Sweetie, is that you?" The voice on the other line spoke, it was my Aunt Kelly. "Yes Aunt Kelly, it's me." I whispered, making sure Niall couldn't hear. "I-it's your mother, she's... She's getting sicker. She said she wanted to see you one last time before- before..." She trailed off, tears making their way down my face. "No, don't say that. She will get better.." I said, wiping away a tear. "Just visit her sometime, alright?" She asked. "Alright." I replied as I hung up. I curled into a ball and started crying, unable to hold in the pain. I can't lose my mom, she's all I have left. "Maria? Are you okay? Open the door." Niall said, knocking on the door from the other side.

I quickly wiped away my tears and unlocked the door, giving Niall a fake smile. "Everything's fine." I lied, taking a seat on the bed. No one ever noticed my pain, because I was good at hiding it. I hid my pain and sorrows under a mask, under smiles. He looked into my eyes, not totally convinced. "Maria, I know something is wrong. Do you want to tell me?" Niall gently said, stroking my hand. "If I tell you my story, you won't look at me the same ever again." I whispered, holding onto his hand tightly. "Whatever you tell me, stays between me and you, I promise." Niall whispered. I smiled at his words, how he doesn't give up on trying to make me happy, even though I'm hopeless. I let out a deep breath, trying to find ways to tell him. "Well... My mother. She's sick, she's been sick for two years. They think- they think she might.... Leave soon, so they suggested that I go visit her." I explained, trying not to cry as I bit my lip. The only person that has ever seen my cry is Louis, I'm good at hiding emotions. Niall didn't say anything, instead he gave me a tight hug, and didn't let go. I couldn't hold in any longer and let it all out, crying on his shoulder for what seemed like hours as he gently pat my back. That's what I loved about Niall, instead of telling me how everything will get better or how he's sorry he actually listened to me. That's all I needed from someone, I didn't want their pity or sorry, I just needed someone to listen, and be there when I need them.

He gently wiped away my tears with his thumb, giving me a half smile. "Niall, I want you to come with me, to visit my mother." I whispered, my voice shaking from all the crying. "Whatever you want princess." He whispered back. He called me his princess, for some reason that word sent chills down my spine, like it meant something. It was time to pack, we had to leave in an hour. Once I packed everything I changed into l something casual yet comfy, putting my hair in a side braid. "Let's go." I said. Niall helped me put everything in the trunk, then we got back in the car and closed our seat belts. Niall started the engine and we were on our way back to New York. "Slow down a bit, you're driving kinda fast." I said, holding on to my seat belt. "I'm going on the speed limit, any slower and a car will bump into us from behind." Niall explained. "Both hands on the steering wheel." I snapped, as Niall gave me a confused look. "Is something bothering you?" He asked, if only he knew. "No, I'm just trying to keep us safe okay?" I said, sounding kind of rude. "Niall I'm sorry, it's just that I have a fear of, driving basically." I said, giving him an apologetic look. He looked at me for a second, flashing a quick smile.

Niall dropped me and my luggage off at my apartment and left. He had offered to stay with me but I didn't want to take up anymore of his time. I already booked a flight for Ohio, I was planning on staying for three days. I had to be careful there, since Niall would be with me I had to make sure he didn't find anything out that he shouldn't know. He already found out about my mother, something only Louis knew. I changed into my pajamas and got under the covers with my laptop. Madam L wanted me to send her blue prints of her newest design so she could work on it. Once I finished all my work I decided to check on my twitter. While I checked my twitter I heard a few buzzes from my phone. I unlocked it to see who texted me.

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