Chapter 19

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This chapter is dedicated to jazline for being an amazing reader and voting for my books! Thank you guys so much for 900 reads!!! This is beyond amazing and my other Zayn fan fic also received 6.5k !!! You guys are literally the BEST fans!!!! -Sarina


I woke up when I heard my phone vibrate. I quickly got up, pressing the green answer button without looking at the called I.D. "Hello?" I asked, while yawning from just waking up. "Maria did I wake you? It's your aunt Kelly." She said, making me sit straight on my bed. What is she doing calling me this early? "Yeah but it's fine, is something wrong?" I asked, stretching my legs and arms. "Well that's for you to decide. Your father called, he wanted to see how you were doing after... After your mother." She whispered. I quickly stood up, my dad called. He actually called us, he remembers us.


~When Maria was twelve~

I was doing my homework when I heard my parents shouting, I flinched at their screaming voices as I quickly stood up and shut the door to my room. I dialed Louis's number on the home phone in my bedroom, unsure of what to do. "Louis, they're fighting again." I whispered. "Maria it'll be fine, all parents fight." He reassured me, but I didn't believe him.

This was the seventh time they had a fight in the last two days, and with each fight I feel the tension rising in our home. They stopped sleeping on the same bed, and last night my dad stayed in a hotel instead of coming home. Worst of all, two days ago my dad asked me to start thinking about who I would like to stay with.

"No Louis, it's obvious what's going to happen. I can barely hear myself talk through their arguing." I said, picking at my finger nails, a bad habit of mine. "Do you want to go to the movies or something? My mom can drive us and it might help you get your mind off some things. I let out a sigh, denying his offer. "It's okay, I have homework anyways." I said, after saying our goodbyes I put the phone away, and returned to my homework.

I heard a knock on my door and saw my parents coming inside my room. My dad knelt down besides me and my mother took a seat near my bed, both carrying a worried expression, making me even more nervous. "Sweetie, we want to talk to you about something, and we can only hope that you will be maître about this." My mother explained in a calm voice. "Your mother and I think it's best if I moved out for a while, but we wanted your opinion on this first. " said dad, gently patting my back as tears started strolling down my face. "Was it because of something I did? Did you guys fight because of me?" I sobbed, as my dad wiped away my tears. "No of course not, we just don't get along anymore, it has nothing to do with you." Mom explained, walking over to me.

Two weeks after that day my dad moved away, and my mother made sure we became more distant day by day. I missed him so much, but after a year I stopped hearing him completely.

*end of flashback*

"How did he find our home number?" I asked, as I walked over to the mirror, looking at my messy hair. " I don't know but apparently he had helped from Louis is father. He said he never lost contact of him and once he found out about your mother he wanted to call you." Aunt Kelly explained. "So what now?" I asked, quite eager to see if he wanted to see me or not. "I told him about you moving to New York and he said he wanted to be able to see you." She explained. "This is great! Where is he now and what has he done with his life so far?" I asked, I was truly happy to see him.

"He lives in Los Angeles right now, he said he became an assistant to a big time movie director." She said, I could tell she was smiling. I was quite amazed. Before my dad left he used to work as a manuscript reader, I never thought he would become anything near the Arts profession. "That's great. Well you can text me his phone number and I'll make sure to get in touch." I explained. After saying our goodbyes I hung up. This was extremely strange yet exciting to me, I haven't seen my dad in nine years, and I have no idea how he would react to meeting me, or what he might even look like right now.

I made myself some cereal and quickly finished it, realizing I would be almost late for work if I didn't hurry. I quickly walked into my closet and wore the first outfit I saw, brushing over my hair and adding a few spritz of perfume here and there.

I ran out of the lobby and into the busy streets of New York, making sure to not get hit by a taxi. I finally got in my office, laying my things on my desk. After grabbing all the things Madam L needed i ran into her office, only a minute late. "There you are!" She said with a smile, as I handed her the office work.

Before I had a chance to leave her office she quickly stopped me. "I am throwing a little get together this Saturday, a lot of important people you should know will be there and I think you can learn a thing or two. If you would like you can come by?" She explained, handing me a small black and white Victorian style incantation card. "That would be great! Thank you so much this will be really helpful for my internship and future job!" I said, making sure to thank her one last time before I left her office.

Once I got back into my own little office I quickly glanced at my phone, noticing a text from Niall.

Niall- picking you up for lunch after work.

I quickly replied to the text, then went back to work. The entire time I was thinking about how it might turn out to actually meet my dad after all the years, I wonder how he will react to me, will he like me? Will he be disappointed in me for leaving Ohio?

I really had to stop over thinking this, he is my dad after all. He loves me.

After work I got to the usual spot I'm the parking lot, waiting for Niall when he finally showed up with a bright smile on his face. I missed that smile so much even though I've only spent a day without him I feel like it's been a week. I probably acting like an obsessive bitch.

"Get in beautiful, we're gonna get some lunch." Niall said, giving me a wink as I giggled. He is so cute. Once I got in the car and buckled my seat belt we drove off, deciding a place we should eat at. "So what's going on today?" Niall asked. Should I tell him about my dad? I mean he already knows about my moms death and even Josh, which I haven't really told anyone besides Louis, but for some reason I feel like talking about my family problems with Niall will ruin our mood right now, and I don't want to do that. "Well I'm invited to a party on Saturday by my boss, it's a great opportunity for my future job at the New York Fashion Design Studios." I explained, retouching on my make up as Niall listened carefully. "That's amazing, maybe I can join you. I don't want to spend a weekend without you babe." He said, giving me a sweet little kiss on the cheek. For some reason whenever he calls me babe or princess or something of such sorts it gives me butterflies, making me feel al tingly inside; if that makes sense.

After eating lunch with Niall we decided to go walk by the park for a few hours, talking and joking around, feeding some of the pigeons. I love spending time with Niall, he makes me so happy; a feeling I forgot I could even feel anymore.

After hanging out for a few more hours Niall dropped me off home. "Can you stay with me tonight? Please?" I asked, planting small little kisses on his cheek. "Alright, only because you begged so much!" He joked, making me give him a light little punch.

After going inside I quickly changed into my pajamas and made sure to wear my new under garments. Suddenly Niall walked into my bedroom with only his boxers on, I couldn't help but look up and down his body, admiring his abs. "I know I'm sexy you don't need to confirm it." He joked, making me blush for being caught staring. "Shit, Maria what the hell are you wearing?" He whispered under his breath, slowly trying to pull my shirt up as he planted soft little kisses under my chin. I couldn't resist his touch, I needed him. "Niall no, not tonight." I whispered, clearing my voice as I tried to resist this all.

"I'll wait until you're ready." He whispered, laying on my bed as he waited for me to get under the covers. I got in his embrace, I love sleeping with him, he makes me feel so comfortable and safe.

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