Chapter 18

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Hey everyone!!! This chapter is dedicated to OfficialAroosa because she is just an amazing writer on watt pad and you guys should check her stories out! Anyways don't forget to check out my Instagram- _butterfly_effect and my kik- sarina3740 -Sarina


I woke up to the nice scent of eggs and bacon, and Niall wasn't in bed with me. I slowly got up, stretching my arms and yawning. Walking over to the bathroom, I had a glimpse of my hair in the mirror. I brushed and tied my hair back, then brushed my teeth.

When I walked into the kitchen I saw Niall cooking bacon, frying eggs, and he even had the table set. The food made my stomach grumble and my mouth water. "You never told me you could actually set a table." I joked, walking over to where he was, watching him cook. "Good morning to you too." He said with a smirk, setting the eggs on two separate plates.

We sat down and started eating, at least I was. Niall was just playing with the food on his fork, like he was in deep thought. "Niall?" I asked, waving my hand in his face. "Today you're going to therapy." He whispered, knowing how much I despise going there. I dropped my spoon on the plate, pushing it away from me. "I'm feeling better I don't need a stupid therapist" I said, not bothering to look in his face. "You don't have to, I just think it can help you." He whispered, looking down at the floor.

I let out a sigh as I walked over to him. "Niall I'm fine, really." I said, massaging his back. "Alright then, we can drive to Harry's house instead, there's another pool party." Niall said, looking at me with a smile as I nodded in reply.

Once we finally got to Harry's place Niall parked the car and we knocked on his door a few times before he answered with his sweet smile. "Hey guys!" Harry said with a smile, showing his dimples. "Hi!" I said with a smile, walking inside with Niall by my side, shadowing me.

Once we walked into Harry's backyard I saw Sasha and Louis talking, while Zayn sat on the edge of the pool, swinging his feet back and forth in the water. Niall quickly took off his shirt as I slowly did the same, I was extremely insecure. Niall carefully eyed me up and down before walking over to me, grabbing me by the waist and giving me a kiss. I was surprised by his actions and embarrassed once I realized we were outside with our friends but couldn't push him away, I can't resist his touch.

"LOOK AT NIALL GETTING SOME ACTION!" Louis yelled, making Niall laugh. I giggled as I blushed, my face turning a bright red. Niall and Harry both jumped into the water to race as I walked over to Louis, sitting next to him and Sasha. "Hey guys." I mumbled, scooting closer to Louis. "Tomorrow is my birthday, you guys better be there, even you Maria." Sasha said, making me give her a glare. For fucks sake when will she stop acting like a bitch. "Niall and I have plans tomorrow night." I said, as Niall swam near us. "What plans? I'd love to go a party." Niall said, smiling at me and Sasha, as she had an evil smirk on her face.

Louis started laughing at the situation as I ran out of the backyard, walking inside into the living room. I could hear footsteps behind me but I was way too annoyed to look and see who it was. "Maria wait!" Niall said, grabbing my arm causing me to get pulled onto his wet chest. I loved the way his skin felt against mine but I was too annoyed and mad to let him know that. "What?" I snapped, trying to get out of his grip even though it was pointless. "What's wrong, you're not mad are you? It's just a party." He asked, amused by my emotions. "Well I didn't want to go and you made me seem like an annoying bitch in front of everyone!" I said, finally giving up and letting him grip my arms. "They know you're not like that, and I'm sorry for making you look bad. There's nothing wrong with a little partying." He said, giving me one of his apologetic smiles, which he knew I couldn't resist. I let out a sigh as I nodded. "Fine, whatever." I mumbled as his smile grew wider, pulling me in for a deep kiss.

"Okay then let's get back outside." He said, holding my hand as we walked back out. Zayn and Louis seemed to be having a discussion about who would die first in an apocalypse while Harry and Sasha talked about her god damn birthday and the stupid decoration by the pool.

I jumped back into the water, swimming back and forth while Niall went to grab some beer from the fridge. Once I got out of the water I wrapped my body in a small beach towel and walked over to Harry and Sasha, sitting next to Harry of course. "Change of plans, Niall and I decided to come to the party after all." I said, giving Sasha the death glare. If looks could kill Sasha would be on the floor choking.

"That's great." She bluntly replied, giving me the most fake smile I have ever seen. Why does she have to be such a huge bitch all the fucking time?

After a few more hours of swimming and hanging out Niall and I decided it was getting late and that we should head home. "Good bye." I said, giving him a kiss on the forehead as I opened the door to his car to get out. "Goodnight babe." He said, waving at me and driving off. The way he called me babe sent chills down my body, in a good way of course.

Once I got inside the apartment I changed into my pajamas and went through my usual night time routine. After I finished brushing my teeth I walked back into my bedroom and went under the covers, falling asleep pretty easily considering how tired I was.

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