Chapter 27

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Hey y'all this chapter is dedicated to whatevaz1 for being an awesome fan and reading both of my fan fics! Y'all are awesomeeee :) -Sarina


I woke up hearing the distant sounds of two people arguing. I walked closer to the door to see Niall and Louis near the front door, arguing about me I think? "Oh shut up! She waited for you all night and where were you?! Getting drunk!" I heard Louis yell, making me flinch. I was shocked and didn't know what to think. Niall would rather go to some bar than see me. "It wasn't like that! I didn't even know she came back okay?" Niall said, trying to defend himself. "You need to leave before she wakes up, you honestly don't deserve to see her right now." Louis said, trying act calm. "You don't get to decide for me! She's my girlfriend and I love her." He yelled, his voice echoing throughout the apartment. I decided to walk in.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked, itching my eyes, I was still a little sleepy. They were both staring at me in silence. "Niall, why didn't you come?" I asked, a little hurt. "Maria I'm really sorry, I really am. I was at work then went to the bar okay? I'm sorry I didn't know you came back today." Niall said, trying to explain himself. I put my hand on y forehead, unsure of what to say. I was tired of all the drama in my life, I was tired of fighting all the time. "You know what, it's okay." I said bluntly, walking into the kitchen to find something to eat. Both Louis and Niall were at loss for words. "So you're not mad?" Louis asked, as they both followed me into the kitchen. "I have no reason to be, he didn't know." I simply said, taking out the milk and cereal. "But he missed your welcome home party." Louis continued on, as I grabbed a spoon for my cereal. "She's not mad Louis, leave her alone." Niall defended himself. "Shut up Niall." Louis mumbled.

I walked back into the living room and started eating my cereal as the two boys argued about me in the bedroom. I could hear it all the way from the living room. "I'll be heading home now." I said, picking up my things and not bothering to change out of my pajamas. Louis and Niall ran into the living room, and stopped me just as I was about to leave. "I'll drive you!" Niall quickly said, helping me open the door. "Bye Maria." Louis said, giving me a slight smile. "Bye Louis." I said, walking out with Niall. "So you're not mad?" Niall asked once we were in the car. "Nope, I'm used to abandonment." I said, putting no emotion into my words. "Maria you know I didn't mean to, I didn't know you would be back." He repeated his excuse. "Yeah but you could've called to check up on me, I was the one trying to talk to you all the time, you put no effort what so ever into seeing me." I explained. "I've been busy, and you know I would do anything to see you. I love you Maria and I will do anything to make you understand." He said, glancing at me as he returned to steering the wheel. I let out a sigh. "I do, just don't let it happen again." I said, looking out the window of the car.

Once Niall dropped me off he offered to stay and I gladly accepted his offer, I needed his comfort right now. "What happened with your dad?" Niall asked.

"I don't ever want see him again." I said, unpacking my clothing while Niall talked about what happened while I was gone. "You know you can help instead of bore me." I joked. "I'd rather bore you babe." He replied, sneaking in a kiss on my cheek. Once everything was where it belonged Niall and I cuddled in bed, it was the most relaxing thing that had happened all week so far. "Niall you still haven't told me about your family." I mention, I don't understand why he won't tell me what happened when i always tell him everything. "Because I don't have one alright? I grew up an orphan. My Uncle's family took care of me with their four other kids." Niall said, he looked hurt but sounded harsh. This was a big surprise, I felt so bad for him, I can't imagine what happened that caused his parents to die. "Niall i'm so sorry." I whispered, looking into his eyes. "It's alright, it doesn't matter what happened happened." He simply says, his voice cracking a bit like he was going to cry.

I felt so bad for Niall, I don't know how it feels like to have had no one to call your parents though out your childhood. He has me now, and I'm going to make sure he feels loved, I never want him to feel alone. No one should have to be raised with out a mother or a father.

"We should go ice skating!" I said, trying to lighten the mood. "Ice skating? Now?" He asked, a puzzled look on his face. "Yes! Now! It's the perfect time." I said, as a small smile appeared across Niall's beautiful face. "But I don't know how to ice skate..." He said. "So? I'll teach you!" I said, getting off of the bed and going inside my closet to change. "Well alright then." He said, I wanted him to be happy because he deserved it.

Once we got the the skating rink we put our skating shoes on and wore our gloves, Niall had a hard time walking. "Need help?" I said as I bit my lip, trying hard not to laugh. He looked like a sleepy penguin as he waddled though the ice. As soon as we step foot in the rink he slipped, making me laugh uncontrollably. "Here, hold my hand." I offered once I stopped laughing, as

He growled at me playfully. "I hate ice skating." He informed me, as I giggled. He held my hand as I helped him up, swaying though the rink. "Okay now try to do it without my help." I said, slowly departing our hands. As soon as I let go of him he slipped, making us both laugh. I loved the sound of his laughter, I could hear it over and over again and never get tired of it. "I think I need more practice." Niall said, grabbing my hand and getting up once again. "You think so?" I said, replying back sarcastically. "Don't you sass me!" Niall said in a high pitched girl voice, with his hands on his hips, making me narrow my eyes at him. "Are you mimicking me?" I growled, making us both laugh for no apparent reason.

After hours of making fun of Niall's skating abilities we decided to go home, this was fun for the both of us; even though Niall might have some bruises on his bum afterwards.

"Don't you think it's time to get a car? It's more convenient than walking everywhere and having chances of getting mugged." Niall spoke as we drove back to my house. "Nope, I don't see why I should. I've been living here for a year without a car and nothing has gone wrong to make me feel like I should get one." I replied back, happy with my answer. "Well either way you obviously need one, what if you're late to work?" He said, trying to persuade me even further. "Why do you want me to get a car so badly?" I asked. "Well I don't want you to get raped or mugged while walking home from a friends house or something." Niall admitted. "That's sweet of you to think of me but no thanks." I said, giving him a smile and giving him a quick kiss on his tender, warm lips.

Once we got home I noticed I had seven missed calls from Aunt Kelly so I walked over to the bedroom to call her back while Niall was watching Nemo.

"Hello?" I asked. "Maria, I'm on my way to New York, I should be there in about three hours!" Aunt Kelly said excitedly. "Wait what? Why?" I asked, totally confused. "Well first of all, I missed you and thought about how I wanted to see my favorite niece, and second of all I met someone new soon after you left Ohio." Aunt Kelly said, I could tell she was smiling through the speakers. "Oooh, you rascal! Who is it?" I joked, making us both laugh. "Remember Mr. Dorris from across the street? Well after you went back to New York and well...the tragedy... He started visiting more often and we got to know each other more. Turns out he's a really nice guy. I was happy for her, because of my moms divorce and cancer, aunt Kelly devoted most of her time taking care of me. She basically ruined her entire twenties to take care of me and my mom. Now that we are all gone, I'm gladly she finally met someone to love her the way she deserves to be loved. "Well that's great! I can't wait to see you here. Niall is with me at the moment so once you arrive be prepared to see him." I say.

After rambling on about pointless things and gossiping for a few more minutes we said out goodbyes and hung up.

When I walked back in the living room it was already 5:40, the house was a mess and aunt Kelly would be here in a few hours. "Niall get up! Aunt Kelly is coming over, help me clean this mess up!" I ordered as I started picking up dirty laundry. "Ugh fine." He mumbled, as he walked over to the sink and started washing the dishes.


Aunt Kelly will be coming on the next chapter because I didn't feel like writing the whole thing today :/ I'm just too freakin lazy lol

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