Chapter 17

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I woke up to the usual car sirens, and the loud city noise. I hated the fact that I had work today, I was looking forward to spending the day with Niall. I slowly got out of the bed, trying my best to not make any sounds to wake him up. I took off his shirt, folded it and placed it on his night stand. I walked over to the bathroom and changed into my clothes from last night, then applied some make up. Once I thought I looked good enough I walked out of the bathroom to find Niall sitting in the corner of the bed, stretching and itching his eyes. He looked so cute when he was sleepy.

"Good morning, I'm leaving soon so don't worry." I said with a smile, putting on my socks and shoes. Niall had a frown on his face, which soon turned into a smirk. "Why can't you call a day off? Tell them you're sick and we can spend the day together." He suggested. "As tempting as that sounds, ill have to postpone, I can't just lie Niall."I explained, making him smile. "Goody-two-shoes." He mumbled under his breath, I looked at him, trying to keep a serious expression and playfully slapped him. "How dare you!" He joked, making me laugh. I love how playful he was. "Are you ticklish?" Niall suddenly asked, oh god, no... "" I said, slowly walking toward the door, but before I could get to it Niall pulled me down, basically pinning me to the floor, as he started tickling me. I couldn't control my self, my legs going in all kinds of directions as I laughed historically, unable to control my self.

"NIALL STOP I CAN'T BREATHE!!!" I screamed, trying to push him off, he was on top of me. Suddenly he stopped and looked down, at my eyes, meeting my gaze. "You look extremely hot under me." He whispered, making my cheeks turn red. "Niall I have to go." I whined, trying to push him off me, even though I wish I could stay, cuddle with him on the couch. "Please stay, I'd miss you." He whispered, his hands holding him up so his body weight wouldn't be on me. "I wish I could." I whispered back, getting out of his embrace. "What time will you be finished, I'd like to pick you up." He asked as I grabbed my purse. "You don't have to pick me up I can just walk home." I said, trying to be polite. "I didn't ask if I could, I asked what time you'd be done." He said, grabbing my waist, and giving me a kiss on the forehead. " well if you must know, I get out at seven forty five." I answered, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "I'll see you then." He said, opening the front door for me as I nodded, giving him a small wave as I walked out of his apartment.

Niall made me so happy, and I could never get enough of him. He's like a drug, something I can't get enough of.

I walked into Madam Liguêê's office, with all my paperwork ready, and a coffee to give to her. "Ah, Maria, such a nice pleasure to see you." She said, giving me a quick smile as I handed her the papers and her drink. "I need you to fill these out, then send them to Mr. Gregor." She ordered, handing me a pile of paperwork.

I walked over to my small office near the men's bathroom, and placed everything on my desk. Working here was such hard work, but paid well. Plus after I finish working here for three more years I can become an actual employee. Every day I work here I earn college credits, which means I don't have to attend actual classes.

It took me nearly five hours but I finally finished all of the paperwork, and handed them back to Madam L. "That's all I needed for today darling, you can go home if you'd like." She suggested as I nodded and made sure to thank her as I walked out. Once I got to the parking lot I checked my phone for any texts from Niall, and there were two.

Niall- I miss you Maria xx.

The most recent one said he'd be picking me up in five minutes, so I sat near the parking lot on a small bench.

I heard Niall's car beep and turned my head to see if it was him, and sure enough, it was. "Get in." He said in a cold voice, making me frown as I got in the passengers seat. "What's gotten under your skin?" I asked, as I buckled up my seat belt. "Nothing." He mumbled as he started driving. "If you're going to have attitude then you can just drop me off home." I snapped, not bothering to look at him as I spoke. "Stop with the nonsense, Maria. I'm not doing anything now stop complaining." He said, not making contact with me either.

Once we got to Niall's house I placed my things on the coffee table and walked into his bedroom to change into one of his shirts. Even though I'd never admit this to him I actually love wearing his clothes, I feel like it brings us closer together. "You're going to bed already?" He asked, he had on a smirk as he noticed I was wearing his shirt, his eyes gazing up and down my body. "No, it's just more comfortable." I admit. He walked closer to me, placing his hands on my hips, swaying back and forth. He nipped on the skin on the book of my neck, making my body tingle. His lips finally met mine for a deep, heated kiss. I wrapped my legs around his v-line as he placed me on his bed, gently laying on top of me as we continued to kiss.

His hands cupped my breast, causing a moan to escape my lips, the pleasure taking over. "You smell so good Maria." Niall whispered in my ear, making me shiver of his breath.

After kissing we just laid down on his bed, cuddling and talking. "So how's your aunt?" Niall asked, as he played with strands of my hair. I felt a heavy bulge in my throat, as I remembered the last time I saw her. "I haven't talked to her for a while." I whispered, looking at the ceiling. Talking about Aunt Kelly with Niall made me realize how I knew almost nothing about his family. After all, he knew nearly everything there is to know about mine.

"Tell me about your family." I whispered, curious to know his story. He was quite for a moment before he started speaking. "My mom lives in Ireland and my brother Greg is with her fiancée." He quickly replies, giving me very little detail. "Tell me more Niall, give me details. What happened to your dad?" I asked. "I don't know." I whispered, I think I understand. His dad either got divorced with his mother like mine, or died when Niall was a young age. Either way I think Niall didn't have a dad growing up.

I would have to ask him more about his story some other time, but right now I just wanted to enjoy this moment with Niall. I like him so much.

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