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Jamie POV
I heard someone yell my name when I woke up Jacob was in my room.
J: finally I've been trying to wake you up for hours
I laugh when I hear his sarcasm because he's not really good at it. I told him to wait for me In the living room. After he did I hopped into the shower. After I got out I brushed my hair put on some Nike leggings and a Nike check shirt. Once I was all dressed I ran and jumped onto Jacobs laps.
Jacob POV
So as i was waiting for Jamie to get ready I found this thing on Instagram and it said that there was a festivals at the park. I decided to take her there instead of a boring old movie. When she was ready she jumped on my laps and said "so where we going?" I told her about the festival and she looked happy about it. We got into my moms car and took off. Once we got there my mom gave us $50 each which was a surprise. We went to buy some tickets. We went on some rides and played some games. There was a basketball booth and Jamie saw this huge stuffed unicorn she wanted it so I played a game to get her that bear. I actually won and got her that bear. She was so happy and she hugged me super tight. After the festival closed we went home. Jamie was hungry as always so I asked my mom to take us to McDonald's. When we got there I ordered 2 hot' n spicy burgers with fries. I  didn't get a drink because I wanted some Starbucks. We drove to the Starbucks window and I ordered a chocolate chip frap and Jamie got the Carmel frap. On our way home pillowtalk came on by ZAYN and Jamie was so  loud. She was singing along and dancing. It was funny. She then fell asleep so I carried her to her bed when we got home.

Sorry if doesn't make sense I'm really tired😭😂anyway hope you like and don't forget to vote

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