Nate's imaginary friend

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I almost screamed as I slammed the front door of my house shut. Today had to be the worst day ever! First my mom tells me that her and my dad are going on a long vacation, then I fail all of my tests that we took today, and my boyfriend just broke up with me!

"Nikki! What happened?" I heard frantic little footsteps coming out of the bedroom next to mine, and was greeted by a hug. I smiled down at my little brother before hugging him back. His little eight year old eyes looking up at me filled with worry.

"Nothing Nate. Can I go put my things away before playing with you?" Nate looked behind me in shock before trying to hid a giggle. I looked behind me and looked back at him, majorly confused.

"Nate, what's wrong? what's so funny?" He only broke out in large fits of laughter, falling to the floor and trying to regain his composure. I looked behind me again and then remembered, he is only eight years old, he still has imaginary friends.

"J-Jack stop!!" he laughed as he finally started to calm down. I smiled and looked at him before tackling him in a huge hug. He laughed and pulled away before standing up. He reached his little hands out and tried to help me up. I smiled, getting myself up and looked down into his big blue eyes, his blond hair falling over them slightly.

"Who is your new friend?" I asked while looking around, pretending to try and find his imaginary friend. He smiled before pointing in front of me, I was facing the wall between my brother's and my rooms.

"He's right there, and his name is Laughing Jack!!" He beamed before I bent down a little expecting his friend to be his size. He laughed harder as I stood back up and looked at him.

"One question... how tall is your friend by any chance?"

"Um... follow me and I will show you." Nate lead me downstairs to where we had a tall measuring poster, so we would always know how tall he was, and pointed to the six foot measurement. I gulped as I felt my face heat up, even if his friend is imaginary, just the thought of having my head at his crotch level is embarrassing.

"Anyways, do you want to play outside with me and Jack?"

"um.. Sure!" I said as I snatched Nate up in my arms before he could say anything and carried him outside. I looked around the fenced in woods and set him down. "So what game are we going to play?"

"Hold on, can Jack and I go talk real quickly to choose a game?"

"Sure!! You know where to find me if you need anything, and when you're done!" I called as I ran to my special spot in the backyard. I sat down and turned my back to my little brother and cried. I don't cry in front of him because he needs me to be strong, with our parents out all the time. I cried about my tests, mom being gone, and my now ex-boyfriend. I found out he cheated on me and when I confronted him about it he said I was just being a cry-baby and he dumped me for it. The only bad part about it was, I still love him!!

"Nikki?" I looked up at my adorable little brother, his eyes once again filling with worry, and another feeling washed over me. Like I was being watched. I sniffed and pulled Nate into a hug.

"I don't want you to ever be like James, ok?"

"Why?!" he asked in shock as he pulled out of the hug and got into an adorable little fighting stance. "WHAT DID HE DO TO YOU?!!" Nate practically shouted at me. His adorable demeanor quickly changing into one of an overprotective father that just heard his daughter was cheated on.

I smiled at him and hugged him closer. "Thank you for being such an amazing little brother... I want you to remember that no matter what happens, I will protect you."

"So you promise?" He asked. The feeling like we where being watched was growing but right now I was having an important moment with my little brother. "Jack is wondering if you promis to protect me like he is, as well."

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