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I groaned as I got up from my bed and walked over to the door. It wasn't as dark as it should be in my room at night, which is odd. I looked around and noticed Jack was still asleep, and Brian, the little snake, wasn't on the bed I made him. I sighed as nature called me harshly, almost literally. I could hear the animals in the woods yelling and crying. Another oddity... how many am I going to find today?

"Nikki? why are you just standing there..." Jack questioned. The amount of sleep in his tone as adorable almost. His glowing eyes where focused on almost nothing, like he was staring off into space.

"Oh uh... N-nature calls?" I asked as I shrugged my shoulders. I played it like I needed the bathroom and acted as if all I could see was his eyes. It's funny actually, me sitting here acting like I can't see Jack in the dark, where he can more than likely see me just fine.

"Oh......... okay... hurry back so your side doesn't get cold..." Jack rolled over and placed his face in his pillow. I smiled at him and walked out of the bedroom. I stalked down the stairs and noticed Jason sleeping on the couch. I could hear his breathing so clearly, and yet I'm on the stairs, I shouldn't be able to hear his breathing. He's not snoring, and he actually looks rather peaceful, so how on earth can I hear his breathing?

Tonight is so weird. Three oddities so far....
oddity number one, I wake up to the sound of animals crying out. Animals from the forest.
Oddity number two, I can suddenly see a lot better in the dark. I can see everything as if the full moon is out and it's in through the curtains.
And oddity number three, I can hear quiet breathing form a far distance, meaning I can hear Jason's quiet breathing from the stairs! What is going on with me?

I stalked through the living room and to the back door. I felt Brian slither around my wrist a little bit as he then made his way up to my neck and back to my ear. "How did you get there?" I whispered to the snake. I simply got a little hiss in response as Jason moved a little bit in his sleep. I froze and stared down at him with wide eyes. He shifted and rolled over, before groaning and sitting up, rubbing his eye and walking into the gest bedroom and closing the door behind him. I sighed with relief and looked back at Brian. "That was close..." Brian nodded as if he understood. I looked back at the door and reached out, touching the cold glass. It's as if someone is calling me to go out. I can't really explain it fully, but something is drawing me to that forest..... 'what his happening?'

There was tapping on a near by window. I walked over to the covered window and hesitated to open the blinds. The tapping sounded again and I opened the blinds. I snarled as I glared out the window. Right outside of my house was Jeff, aka Bleach-Boy. I walked out of the back door and glared at Jeff. "What do you want Bleach-boy..."

"Chill there princess! I just came to see what's going on." Jeff snapped as he walked over to me.

"I've been told that you can't be trusted.. And don't call me that, it's patronizing.... " I snapped as he laughed.

"That's the point, and who told you that lie? I'm trustworthy... when I want to be. But then again isn't that everyone?" he smiled smugly before looking serious all of a sudden. "look, I'm not supposed to be here, but I am. No matter what keep your brother away from someone else named Jeff." Jeff looked into the house.

"And what gives me any reason to listen to you? After all, you did stab me." I barked.

"look, I'm sorry about that, but please you'll have to throw me a bone here." He said as he looked me dead in the eye. He grabbed my hand and pulled me close, wrapping an arm around my waist before whispering in my ear, "look, I'm about to attack you again, I'm sorry ahead of time, but I'm being watched by my 'bos' who's more like an a-hole who wants to control the world. Be careful of who you trust and watch your back. Rake is going to want to fight you soon and pay attention to the little changes going on within your mind and body. Trust me, you'll want to question everything that is happening to you, but just try to work what changes and see what fits, understand?"

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