A Peek through Nate's eyes

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Nate's Point Of view

I woke up right after Mom, Jack, and Jason got home. Nikki was still out on her little walk I guess. Nikki woke me up a few hours ago to go on a walk an I guess she and Jack had a fight before everyone left. My mom picked my head up, sat down, then let my head rest on her lap. Jason did the same thing with my feet and legs. Mom turned on the tv, and quickly changed the chanel because the show that was on was so violet. I took the ramote​ and changed the chanel back before throwing my legs over Jason's head and over the back of the couch. I let my head fall over the edge of the couch as I watched the show about zombies from upside down.

Jack walked up stairs and we heard a door open, then shut. Another door open and close, and then a third. One more door was opened and closed more franticly each time. Jack then sprinted down stairs and looked at me with worry. "Oh yeah, Nikki went out on a walk after you guys left. She hasn't been here sense." I stated calmly. Right then and there we heard a scream from outside. I rushed to the window and looked out. Nikki was on the ground, red around her. Jack was out there almost instantly and was carrying her inside. Jack placed Nikki on the table and pulled her shoulder out of her shirt, pulling her arm out of it's sleeve and gently placing it to her side.

"Jason can you stitch her up? I'll get some water and disinfectant." Jack called as he ran into the kitchen and then the bathroom. Jason grabbed his sewing kit and put it on the table next to my sister. I reached out to her but my mother dragged me out of the room. I kicked and fought her to try and get back to my big sis but she dragged me out of the house and to some ice cream shop.

"Mommy let me get to my sister!! She needs me!" I snapped as I bit her.

"No, you don't need to see her like that Nate, it could hurt you. Listen, you have new powers, you're no longer human. You do know this right?" She grabbed my shoulders and looked me dead in the eye.

"Yes I know. Jason went through all this with me, remember? I have new powers and I need to keep my emotions in check so that I don't hurt someone I care about. My right eye turns red whenever my emotions get up or whenever BJ comes around..."

"BJ?" My mother asked as she gave me a questioning look.

"It stands for Black Jack. He insisted on being called that, so I'm not gonna fight with him. Otherwise he takes control and tries to kill someone." I shrugged my shoulders as I felt BJ in the back of my mind.

"You got that right little Nate..... Nikki does need us however. She's changing, I can feel it" BJ stated as he showed up in my right eye. I can only see him in my right eye, that makes no sense but I can see him and others like him through my right eye and only my right eye.

"See?! Even BJ thinks Nikki needs me. Rather us. He says she's changing. Mom please let me be with my big sis!" I begged as I looked up at her.

"Fine, we're going back. Just don't jump her first thing okay?" My mother looked me in the eye as she stood up and lead me out of the shop. "So does he know what is happening to her?" Mom looked down at me as she held my hand. I may feel older or am older through my brain, but I still have an eight year old body. Sadly...

"Nope, but I can say she's changing into something. More animalistic, I don't think that makes any sense, but oh well. Even if I do find out what she's turning into I wont tell you!!" BJ laughed as he fell on his back choking on air.

"He says no. just something about animals." I shrugged and looked down at the ground. "Shut up BJ and be nice.... He's your sister too you know......" I growled.

"Ah, is he not telling you anything else?"

"No, he seems to not care about Nikki." I looked up at the house as the door opened and Jason stood by the doorway.

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