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"911 what's your emergency?"

"Hi, my little brother has a temperature of 120 degrees, and is very malnourished. I recently got him back from someone who kidnapped him, and he hasn't woken up sense then." I panicked into the phone.

"Miss, keep calm, this is normal for someone who has experienced a great trauma, put some ice on your brother's forehead and keep him cool. If you can, try to get him to drink some water. What is your address miss?"

I told her my address and hung up the phone. I sprinted to the couch, as Jack and Jason carefully brought Nate downstairs.

"Jack, go get some water. Jason get a washrag and get it wet with cold water!" I snapped as the boys put Nate down. I placed my hand over his forehead and sighed. His temperature has gone down quite a bit. After Jason returned with the rage, I placed it over Nate's forehead. "Jason, do you have any idea what the Rake did to Nate?"

"Well.... he gave him enough food and water to stay alive, by that's just about it. He never really kept the kid warm, and hurt him a little bit. And did you notice your leg was bleeding badly?" Jason explained slowly, and pointed to my shin. I looked down and finally felt the pain, as if my worry over Nate had given me the power to ignore it.

"Nikki? What happened to your leg?" I looked up and saw Jack. When he saw the look on my face, he started giving orders. "Nikki, lie down on the table now, Jason go get me the first ad kit and hand me your needle and thread.."

"Yes sir!" Jason snapped. He didn't like being bossed around so much, but he did as he was told anyways. I lied down on the table, in a position so that Jack could get to my shin.

"Why don't we just let the doctors take care of this when they get here?" I whined.

"Because you've already lost a lot of blood, if we wait any longer it would be too late..." Jack stated as he took the first ad kit from Jason and got to work, first placing the alcohol on the open claw marks, I hate that Rake....

After about three minutes of me screaming in pain because of the disinfectant, Jack started carefully stitching me up. It still hurt like hell, no matter how careful he was. And once the stitching was all done, Jack put bandages all around my shin, and the ambulance showed up. Finally, did I forget to mention I live far away from any hospital? Yeah I do, I live in the outskirts of Arlington Washington.

Jack helped me up, and supported me all the way to the door. After I let the doctors in, they walked right over to Nate and got him hooked up the a bunch of medical equipment. After that, they started putting liquids that I couldn't identify.

"A-are you sure that you will be able to save N-Nate?" I asked as Jack held me close to him, almost as if the Rake was going to pop up out of the shadows and drag me away again.

"Sir, would you please take the girl upstairs?" one of the doctors asked without looking up. I looked at Jack and stupidly asked if they could see him. "Yes miss, we can see the man holding you up right now, and if you three would please go upstairs so that we can get to work, we would be great-full." the doctors started sounding irritated. Jack picked me up bridal style and carried me upstairs, with Jason following close on Jack's heals.

"J-Jack.. what if they aren't able to save Nate?!" I asked once Jason shut the door behind Jack, me and himself.

"If they aren't able to save the kid, then they will have to deal with me..." Jason growled," I happen to like that kid.. Those doctors better not be anything like Smily..."

"Jason, just shut up.. You aren't making this situation any better.." Laughing Jack grumbled as he sat down on my bed,placing me right beside him. "Nikki, I'm sure they will save him. Nate is a strong kid, I'm wouldn't be surprised if he fought the Rake and survived after giving him a good beat down." Jack said, trying to lighten up the mood in the room.

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