Training Day

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This chapter may contain some imagery disterbing to some readers, but it is still required to the story. You can skip over the gore and be safe. It starts with the fridge.

Okay, okay. My stitches are healed. My head doesn't throb as much anymore. I think I'm ready.

"Hey Jack? Who's the one who is in charge of my training? I think I'm ready." I looked over at Jack and tilted my head to the side.

"Oh um, his name's Slenderman. He uh, can be very harsh when it comes to training. So are you sure you're ready?" Jack looked down at me, scratching the back of his neck. We where in the library because I wanted to read some books. I nodded and looked around.

"So, where is Slenderman?"

"Well, I could take you to him if you're really ready. You don't want to eat anything first?" Why is Jack being so cautious? What's up with that.

"Yes I'm sure. If I don't start now I won't ever get it done and I won't ever be able to show the Rake who's alpha around here." I rolled my eyes as Jack took my hand and lead me downstairs to one of the really tall doors. The one that didn't have the danger sign. Jack lifted his hand to knock, but stopped. Looking back down at me to make sure I was ready. I rolled my eyes and knocked for him.
Training can't be that bad can it?

The door opened and I was let in. Jack tried to follow, but he stopped and left the doorway as the door closed.

'Hello child. What are you here for?' A voice rang inside my head along with slight static. I shook my head and looked around the room. At the far end was a desk, a big one at that. Sitting at the desk was a tall man like figure in a suit. His hands where folded together and against his chin. The suit was a dark grey, with a red tie and white undershirt. I looked up to the figure's face and nearly jumped out of my skin. His skin was very pail, almost white. He looked too skinny to be as tall as he was, and shadows cast along his face. Or rather, lack there of. He had no eyes, nose, mouth or anything like that. Not even hair. I know, it's rude to judge someone without hair, but this guy was straight up creepy. Even more so than Offender. Not only that, but I have no idea how tall he is, I just can tell he's tall bassed off of the hight of the desk and chair.

I swallowed my fear and stood up tall, not wanting to show any fear. "Sir, I am here for the training I've been told is required to fight the Rake."

'Oh, so you're the new puppy I've been told about. Interesting'. The creature sounded as if he was chuckling to himself.

"I am no puppy. I'm sorry if I have disrespected you, but I am almost an adult." I had to keep from growling.

'Calm down. I ment no harm by it. Go eat and your training will start in half an hour. Meet my brothers and I outside in front of this hotel.' I nodded and left the room, sighing when I saw Jack standing in the corner of the room.

"Hey Jack!" I called as I walked over to him.

"Yeah?" He and another guy called at the same time. I looked over at the new voice and saw a boy in a black hoodie, black skinny jeans and dark convers. He wore a dark blue mask over his face with weird black goo coming out of the eye sockets.

"Um. Lj?" I laughed nervously as I walked over to the prince of candy.

"Oh, you meant him. I'm sorry." The new guy bowed slightly as he looked up at me, I think. "please, call me Ej. My name is Eyeless Jack." His voice was deep and raspy, making him sound older than what he looked.

"Nice to meet you. I didn't know there where more than one Jacks here." I rubbed the back of my neck as I smiled and blushed slightly. Embarrassing. "I'm Nikki. Nice to meet you." I held my hand out to shake. The strange guy took it and brought my hand up to where his lips would be if the mask wasn't there. When I got my hand back I moved towards what I thought was the kitchen, and was right!

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