a change of heart

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I looked around for Jack after I put little Michael down for his nap, his mom should be here soon.

"Oh dear Laughing Jack-in-a-box.. come out come out where ever you are." I called teasingly. I got the strange seance of daga vu but I don't care!

"NOPE!!!" Jack's voice sounded from all around the house, so I couldn't pinpoint his location. I smiled evilly as I remembered the song that Nate would sing to summon Jack.I had to keep myself from laughing as I started humming the tune."NOOO!!!!!"

"All around the mulberry bush, the monkey chased the weasel.." was all I had to sing when Jack suddenly appeared in front of me. I yelped as I fell back, with my stairs right behind me. Before I tumbled down to my doom, Jack jumped after me. Wrapping his long arms around my waist, and I grabbed his shoulders, as he turned us around so when we landed, he broke my fall. I gulped and closed my eyes as we plummeted to the landing of the staircase. I heard a thump and looked up to see Jack had skidded after we landed and hit his head on the wall.

"Are you alright?" He asked, giving me a sweet smile. I felt my face heat up as I nodded. Jack laughed lightly as he looked into my eyes. My breathing became hitched as our gazes locked and we slowly started leaning in.Before the distance was completely closed, Jack's cone nose came against my nose.Jack and I laughed a little bit, but before I as I tried get up, Jack's grip around my waist tightened, keeping me in place, and he gently cupped my cheek, making me look back at him. Before I knew what was happening, Jack had tilted his head to the side slightly and pulled me in. I gasped slightly as our lips touched lightly. I wrapped my arms around his neck as his grip on my waist loosened. I felt him smile into the kiss and I giggled before pulling away.

My face felt as though a thousand burning suns where right on my cheeks.Jack just sat there staring at me. I smiled back as Jack was still cupping my cheek. I placed my head down on Jack's chest and closed my eyes. I heard him chuckle before holding me close to me.

I shot up off of the couch,flying up like ten feet before falling down to the floor at high speed, only to be caught in long arms, bridal style. I yelped and involuntarily wrapped my arms around someones neck.Wait a minute.. all of that with Jack was just a dream? What the hell is wrong with me? I sighed sadly as I stood up, out of the person's arms and started fixing the couch.

"Hey, um... Nikki?" I jumped at the sudden voice, and turned around to see Jack standing there, giving me a look of concern. I gulped before giving Jack a smile.


"Are you alright? You sorta where talking in you sleep..." I gulped again before nodding and looking back to what I was doing."Hey um... I'm sorry.. you know... about earlier.."

"What about earlier?"

"You know.. about scaring you almost down the stairs.. and um... the other thing...." I gulped again, feeling the heat rising up in my face, and my hart slamming itself against my ribs.

"I-it's alright... I-I'm sorry I put you in that kind of situation..." I mumbled as I walked to the kitchen."so.. did Nate come home?" I asked.

"Uh.. Y-yeah.. he got home about an hour ago.. you where out for a few hours."

"well we have to be ready for our horror movie marathon latter tonight.. right?" I giggled, trying to hid the disappointment that my dream wasn't real.. Wait.. I guess I might be falling for Jack.. Maybe love a first sight does happen in reality. I know, I'm probably just being stupid, but I think I might actually be developing feelings for this monochrome clown that is my little brother's best friends...

"wait.. you still want to do that?" Jack asked, a little suprised. I giggled.

"Well of course, a promise is a promise right?"

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