the day of terror

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"Yeah, Jason, what happened to Nate?" A new voice snarled from the door way. It sounded familiar, but it was off, like darker or something.

"Oh Jack. Now you've come to ruen the fun! Why can't you just leave and let me play with my new doll?" Jason pouted.

"What the hell?! I am not anybody's doll you freak!!" I screamed as I jumped up off of the bed and ran behind Jack, at least I think it was him. Jack was glaring at Jason, his eyes like narrow slits, and his arms folded over his chest.

"What happened to Nate?" Jack asked sternly.

"Oh I think you know Jack. I know you know who took him though. Because he's been interested in Nikki for a while now." Jason answered as he lied back on the bed.

"You don't mean..."

"Oh yes I do mean him Jack in the box. He's also making her parents things.."

"You mean that they are killing because of him?"


"Is his boss behind this as well?"

"Are you blind clown?! Of course he is!! He had plans for the poor girl!!" Jason yelled, his eyes slightly illuminating more of a green color.

"But why?! She's only human!! And only 17!!" Jack cried out as he put his arms behind his back and around me,the best way he can, in a protective manner.

"Um, hello!!? I'm still here guys!" I yelled, a little annoyed that no one even recognized my exsistanse.

"Yes I know! And why did you come to this place anyways? Like why aren't these kids dead yet?" Jason asked, pointing to the picture of me and Nate on my nightstand and completely ignoring me.

"Because of serton reasons that are none of your concern!" Jack snarled.

"Jack? What is he talking about? Is this related to the first day I baby sat with you?" I asked calmly as I put my hands on Jack's shoulders. He tensed up, I could almost feel his anger.

"Yes, and I will explain latter, right now, I need to take care of something." Jack stated as he shrugged off my hands.

"Okay, looks like you two love-birds need some time alone together, so I'll leave for the time being." Jason stated as he diapered in a snap, literally, he snapped his fingers, then, poof! Gone.

"I hate that guy..." I said as I grabbed Jack's hand and walked downstairs to the couch.

"I know... I could tell you where uncomfortable in that room." Jack chuckled.

"Yeah, that, or it was because I had two guys in my room while I'm in just my PJ's, and one I know, the other a complete stranger. And both are monsters!" I giggled. Jack have me a fake hurt face and then pulled me in a hug. "You okay Jack?" I felt my face heat up as Jack nuzzled my neck.

"I'm okay, I guess...." Jack sniffed as he hugged me close. I hugged back, not knowing what to do.

"are you sure? A-Are you crying?" I asked as I felt Jack's shoulders shake. I walked us over to the couch, and sat Jack down. Or tried. That clown did not want to let me go, and when I finally sat him down, he pulled me onto his lap and held me close. "Jack what the hell is wrong right now? Where's my LAUGHING Jack?"

Jack chuckled, "Still here, but... there are things I need to tell you. Do you trust me? Because after I tell you this.... I'm afraid I might lose you because you might think i will hurt you and Nate...."

"I promise, that no matter what you tell me, you are always my monochrome clown." I blushed slightly. I got off of Jack's lap and sat down next to him. "So what is bugging you?"

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