Night one With Jack...

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I huffed as Jack tried again to sit on my bed with me. Nate had locked me in here with this clown and made him stay with me 24/7, unless I left to use the bathroom or shower. I'm not happy with this either, he also said that Jack and I had to share the bed, or wherever I slept, we had to sleep next to each other.

"What is wrong with you now!! I just want to get to know you!! but your so cranky!" Jack huffed as he sat on the floor leaning his back against the foot of the bed.

"I'm trying to live a normal live, with my brother and be happy... sadly that hasn't been happening lately..." I sighed,mumbling the last part, while pulling my legs to my chest, successfully fighting back tears.

"Hey... what is making you cry? I mean I know being forced to be locked up with someone like me can be scary, but I can't possibly be that bad... can I?" Jack asked as he crawled up next to me on the bed. I shook my head and looked at my feet. Moving my toes a little bit."Then why are you crying?"

"Well, I'm just gonna say that humans can be jerks, and I hate them... And I'm not crying." I said as Jack tried to look me in the eyes. He seems to be a little more friendly than you would think someone you just met would be.

"Is it all because of this James person I heard you talk about while crying?" I looked at the wall and nodded slightly. I don't know why but it feels like I can trust Jack, probably because little Nate does and I trust anyone Nate can keep around me, without threatening them that is. And this is exactly how Nate trusted Laughing Jack, so I guess I can trust him a little bit.... I heard a low growl come from Jack and jumped a little bit. "sorry"

"He just... He just.... cheated on me... I thought I could trust him but, he just ran off with another girl,and when I talked to him about it, he called me names and then left me..." I cried out, I hate feeling vunerable around people, so I kept from crying on Jack's shoulder. Jack wrapped his arms around me in a comphoring maner. Honestly it felt good to talk to someone about my problems with them listening and understanding. And being able to have a shoulder to cry on rather than being the shoulder helped a lot too. Jack hugged me close to him and rubbed my back in a soothing manner. I only looked at the wall silently when he asked me if I had any friends that I could talk to. "N-no,not really any that I can trust. I only have myself now because most my old friends, that i could trust,left me for some other girl that didn't like.... I guess Nate is my only best friend..."

" I'm sorry, here, have something sweet to wash away the bitterness!" Jack laughed as pulled away from the one sidded hug and handed me a large swirly lolly pop. I took it and looked at him. he smiled and encouraged me on to taste the colorful candy. I looked back at him and tackled him in a hug. He froze up at first but then relaxed and let me hug him with the surgery sweet still in my hand. I'm thankfull, for how Jack kept trying to be my friend, even when I hated him at first. I think I'm warming up to him a little.

After I had calmed down I walked downstairs, with Jack following me of course, and put my shoes on.

"Where are we going right now Nikki?" Jack asked calmly. I sighed as I grabbed my coat and walked out the back door.

"I'm going on a walk through my woods, why?"

"I was just curious. You know you can get lost in there right?"

"This is my property, and you couldn't have posibly forgot the promise we made to Nate? You're coming with me." I huffed.

"Yeah I know, but still, you could get lost it we get separated."

"Then we won't get separated, but I have no idea how to do that."

"Oh! I have an idea, we could do this!" Jack said almost excitedly as he hooked his arm with mine. I blushed slightly but nodded as we started to walk out into my woods.

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