My Past

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Third person P.O.V 

"Nikki?! How many times have I told you to go outside and play with the other brats?"

"I said no!! I don't wanna!! The other kids pick on me for having imaginary friends!!"  Nikki yelled at her father from her room. Nikki's mom was taking a nap in her room, as usual.

"NIKKI CHARLEY SOLSTUS!!!" Her father yelled at the top of his lungs, terrifying Nikki.

"JEFF!! How many times have I told you not to yell  at her like that! I told her it is okay for her to play in her room. You can't force the girl to make friends if she doesn't want to." Nikki's mom, Grace Solstus, Shouted from her room. Nikki's parents, Jeff and Grace, always argue. Grace wants to protect Nikki from her father's wrath, and Jeff wants to get rid of the girl completely. However he knows how much Nikki means to Grace, so he wont kill her... yet....

Nikki's P.O.V

Three weeks after Nate came home from the Rake.

"Jack? Do you know where the baby powder is?!" I yelled as I searched the couch for the baby powder.

"I do!!! Here you go Nikki!" little Nate called as he ran down the stairs, but tripped and started to fall down them.

"NATE!!!" I yelled as I started to run to the stairs as fast as I could.

"I got him." Jason called calmly as he carried Nate into the living room.

"Thank you Jason!" Nate called as he hugged the toy maker. Nate then ran over to me and handed me the baby powder. I smiled and grabbed it before sprinting to the bathroom and putting it away. You may be thinking that me and Jack had a kid? No, I'm baby sitting today and I need to make sure that everything is ready. Plus my best friend is on her way over from Spokane and I need to make sure that the two boys are presentable, because you don't just go up to someone and say 'hey I've been living with two kid murderers and they've been helping me keep house, and my brother was kidnapped by one and they helped me get him back.' Yeah, if I where to say anything like that, she would flip her lid and kill both of them and then scold me for living with them...

"Nikki Sammy's here!!" Nate called form downstairs. I then ran down the stairs and let her in.

"Long time no see huh Nik?" Sammy said as she pulled me into a death bear hug.

"K-killing m-me.." I gasped as she pulled away.

"Wait.. Who's killing who now?" Jason called from the stairs. Sammy gave me this look that said, 'so who's the hottie in your house?'

"Sammy this is Jason, Jason this is Sammy." I said as I shut the door and walked over to the couch, only to be joined by Jack sitting right next to me with his arm around the couch.

"O-Kay, before I take on more step. Who the hell are these two hotties and where did you find them?!" Sammy cried out.

"WHAT?!" Jack and Jason both yelled out in unison and looked at me for answers. I blushed deeply and looked at Sammy with an angered expression.

"First off Sammy, these two are my friends. Jason was actually friends with my mother so he is like an uncle really, and Jack here.. Um... He sorta found me through Nate and we're friends now." I stated.

"More like boyfriend and Girlfriend!" Nate yelled as he giggled. Sammy looked at me with wide eyes.

"N-NO!! IT'S NOT LIKE THAT!!!" I yelled at them.

"Yeah, it's not yet. But that's because the two love birds don't know that they are in love yet." Jason sighed as he leaned against the wall.

"Jason you know very well that is isn't like that between us!" Jack yelled at the toy maker.

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