The Shocking truth

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"Nice to see you too Nikki." Sammy smiled as she took my hand in he s. I stared at her in shock as she grabbed my other hand and held it up to her shoulders. "Well, aren't you going to say something?"

"I-I can't believe this is actually you..." I stammered as I walked closer to her, reaching up and poking her face once more. She giggled and pulled me into a hug. I hugged back and nuzzled her, taking in her sent of Vanilla and Butterscotch.

"You didn't know I was here?" Sammy asked as she pulled away from the hug, taking in my appearance. "Wow, you've grown into the fine alpha I always knew you'd be."

"You knew what I was?" I asked as I tilted my head to the side, leaving my hands on her arms.

"Yeah. I knew Red over there for quite a while, at least sense he's been watching over you. Thought the little bugger was stalking you to kill." Sammy shot Red a glance over her shoulder before looking back at me. "So what where we doing?"

"I don't know. Jack started chasing me, then Nate joined my team and Jason joined Jack's. Then everyone else joined in. Sorta. You wanna continue?" I asked, wagging my tail ever so slightly.

"Bring it." Sammy grinned as she looked me dead in the eye. "All here for team NIkki say I!" she yelled at the top of her lungs. Nate, Brian, Smile, Red, and Sally all yelled. Looks like everyone else is on Jack's team. I grinned evilly as Sammy tried to tackle me, I jumped out of the way and jumped on her, pinning her down. Everyone started attacking on another, pinning one another and laughing. Sammy got away from me and started chasing around the others on my team.

Chris shiften into a cat and charged at me. I grinned evilly as I shifted forms as well and stood my ground, bowing my head and pulling my ears back. His head collided with mine, making him stumble and fall over, my tail wagging as I stood back up and grinned down at the little cat. He gave me a look that basically said "Oh crap" as he got back up and started running. Red tackled the little cat in his wolf self before looking up at me asking for my approval. I nodded and started sniffing for Jack, before I got tackled down to the ground with someone way bigger than me landing on top.

"Hey there puppy~" Offender's voice snaked it's way into my ears, sending shivers down my spine. I shook and tried to move out of his grasp but failed. He chuckled as he moved his mouth closer to my ear. "Why don't you transform back into your-" He was cut off and I felt his weight lifted off of my back. I looked over to see Jack had pinned him down, snarling and glaring at him.

"Leave her alone Offender..." Jack growled as his eyes turned a little darker.

"Oh you're a party pooper Jackie." Offender whined as he pushed the clown off, walking over to his brothers. Jack growled as he walked over to me, helping me up and asking for me to shift forms. I shifted into my human self and stood next to him, wondering what he was going to do. I got my answer really quickly.

"You watching Offendy?" Jack smirked as he looked over at the taller male. Offender looked at him with the tilt of his head, as if he was curious. Jack wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer to him and whispering in my ear, "You're mine." Jack pulled away from my ear and said a little louder for everyone in the room to hear, "Mine." as he pulled me into a deep kiss. I closed my eyes and put my hands on his shoulders, my tail wagging slightly as my ears went back a little bit. Jack moved one of his hands to the back of my neck and the other to my lower back, keeping me in the kiss. A few people whistled while others just asked what was going on. Jack pulled away and looked down at me, looking into my eyes. I stared into his as I breathed a little bit heavier. I haven't seen him like that before.

"W-what was that..." I whispered, panting slightly. Jack smirked as he moved his head to my left side, I could feel his breath on my ear.

"That, love, was me showing you're mine~" He purred. I blushed and hid my face in his chest, trying to hide my face from everyone.

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