Their Last Promise

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I felt someone petting my head as I slowly woke up. I groaned as I grabbed their arm and hugged it close to me. I was warm and didn't want  to be awake, so I tried to fall asleep again.

"Nikki come on, I kinda need that." Jack's voice sounded happy and soft as he spoke, making me smile slightly.

"Your fault for petting me..." I mumbled as I rolled over, rolling right on top of the clown and snuggling into his chest.

"Nikki, wake up please." Jack coed as he wrapped his arms around me, kissing the top of my head.

"No..." I whinned as I snuggled closer, he's so warm and I'm kinda cold.

"Please? There's something I want to talk to you about." Jack asked as he moved some hair away from my face.

"Fine..." I groaned again as I sat up, rolling off of him and letting go of his arm, stretching. I opened my eyes and looked around. I was in my old room. The hotel couldn't have been a dream, could it? I hope not.  "Jack? Why are we in my old room? Didn't we move into that hotel like place Slender built for you guys?"

"Well, we are still technically asleep. I wanted to talk to you about some things and figured this would be the best place." Jack stated as he sat up as well, rubbing his eyes.

"Why?" I asked as I turned to face him. Why would he need to talk here rather than bring me to his carnival?

"Because I wanted to talk to you alone. We've had a lot of good happen to us, and I'm kinda scared something is going to come and take it away. Just like the Rake did with Nate not too long after we met." Jack looked down, shadows being cast on his face.

"Yeah. Doesn't help that the weird nightmares I've been having have some sort of hint that something big is coming." I looked down and wished what I was feeling didn't come true. Whenever something good happens to me something bad almost always follows. "I think it's even bigger than us, whatever it is...."

"I'm sorry love, and what I'm about to tell you might make it worse. There is a lot I need to tell you. A lot that you don't know yet and that I'm not supposed to tell you I think..." Jack looked up at me as he pulled me closer to him, trying to be supportive.

"Well, I guess here is the best place to go about that." I laughed nervously, attempting to lighten the mood.

Jack laughed as he looked off to the side. "Well for starters, I'm not supposed to tell you this, but, Nate as something living in his head. Like a voice, but it belongs to a being. Whatever Black Jack is, he isn't anything good. Every time Nate's eye goes red I get a really bad vibe." Jack looked worried as he stared at the floor.

"Slow down. Nate has the voice of a being in his head?" I asked a little shocked. That would explain his red eye, and that one day when he got really sick after being with the Rake for a while, but why am I not supposed to know about that?

"Yeah, and I have a feeling he is gonna hurt your family." Jack sighed.

I reached over and gently grabbed his chin, making him look at me, "Our family." I smiled warmly, he needs to know that it is his family too. He's loved a lot.

"Right, our family..." Jack laughed nervously as he pulled me into his lap, smiling to himself, looking back to the floor.

"I'm guessing that isn't everything you need to tell me." I looked up at him, looking into his faded blue eyes, searching for something. I don't know what, however.

"You're right. You know that Jason is your father for a fact, but you don't know why we fight a lot of the time, or rather why we don't get along." Jack sighed as he shook and looked down in disappointment.

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