The Signs

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I woke up and looked at the bathroom when I heard the door open. I instantly turned back around and baried myself into the blankets. When I saw Jack brushing his wet hair, with a towel around his waist. Telling me he has no pants on and he just got out of the shower. My heart sped up and my face heated up real quick. Just.... I'm in a hotel.... Alone with Jack.... And he has no pants.... This would totally get me killed.

"Nikki?" I jumped and mumbled a little to pretend I was asleep. "Nikki I know you're awake. Come on and get out of bed."

"Not until you put some pants on." I grumbled.

"Why? Don't you like what you see?"

"Shut up! And put some pants on or I'm not getting out of bed!" I yelled, hiding even deeper under the covers.

"Alright fine." There was a sound of fabric shifting and then I was poked. I popped my head out from under the covers and quickly retreaded back into the covers.

"I said put some pants on!" I scolded like a child. Jack had put on his boxers, but nothing else.

"Oh come on Nikki, are you sure you want me to?" He asked as he pulled the covers away from my head and put his face right next to mine. "I'm sure this would be much easier...." He purred. I yelped and hid my face again.


"Alright fine. I'll go out them on." There was another shuffle and then I was poked once more. "I have them on now, I swear."

"Why should I believe you?" I whined and I burrowed deeper into the warm bed.

"Because I would never put you in a position that would make you too uncomfortable gummybare." Jack said as he put his hand on my shoulder. I came out of my den of blankets and looked him up and down. He was in sweat pants and had his hair back in a pony tail. I looked at his chest and blushes slightly. He's not a bodybuilder, nor is he naturally built. But he does have a toned chest and arms. " Like what you see?" His smile turned into a smirk as he held his arms out.

"Butthead." I mumbled and threw another pillow at him. I hid my face in another one as I blushed like crazy. Why on earth does he have to be so good looking? Just... Why does he have to be so adorable and funny. It's killing me.

"Hey! Look who's talking Gummybare!" Jack laughed as he tackled me from under the covers.

"Hey! There is a human in here Jack!" I laughed as I wiggled away and walked to the bathroom and closed the door. My turn for a shower.

I locked the door and started running the water before getting ready. A nice relaxing shower is just what I need right now. Still have to process the fact that I'm not human. That I've never been human and that's why I never fit in. I sighed as I stepped into the hot water and sat down, hugging my legs to my chest and testing my head on me knees. "Why now of all times? Why did I have to find out now and not sooner?"

"Nikki you alright in there?" Jack's voice called from the other side of the door.

"Y-yeah I'm fine. Don't worry." I called as I stood up and started cleaning myself. Letting the water wash away all the worries and stresses yet to come.

"You sure you don't want me to come in there?" Jack asked a little concerned.

"Aw hell nah! The doors locked for a reason Cotton-candy!" I laughed as I finished washing my hair.

"Did you just call me cotton-candy?" He chuckled and sighed. "alright. Don't hurt yourself alright?"

"Wasn't planing on it."

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