New Encounters

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I whipped around and nearly bunched the person in the face. I stopped myself and looked at his features. I could tell it was a guy because well, I ran into him and could feel some muscles under his top. He  had raven black hair. His hair looked, off. Like it was burned or something, but that's impossible. If someone's hair is burned if falls off, believe me, I've had encounters with this. His skin was a pasty white, and he wore a scornful expression but, he also had a smile on his face, almost if it was a tattoo or something. He had a white hoodie, with little stains of dark brown and some graying spots, almost like the color of old blood. I reached up and touched his "smile", curiosity got the better of me. He snatched my hand in a tight grip just as I was able to tell it was a scar. His skin was very leathery, and I reached up to poked his nose, to which be smiled and chuckled slightly, and loosened his grip on my wrist slightly. 

I twisted my arm to where I got out of his grip and grabbed his arm, kicking in his knees, and placing his hand between his shoulder blades. I then placed my other hand by my ear so that the snake could be in a safer spot. The little snake slithered up to my ear and hooked himself around it, sliding his tail into the earing hole as the guy yelped and growled at my movements. "Who the hell are you and what do you want with me?"

The man chuckled, "names Jeff, and my business with you is not relevant to you girl."

"Hmm.. let's see, I have a bleach boy following me in the woods and sneaking up behind me... That looks like it is relevant to me! What the hell do you want?" I snarled as I pushed his wrist closer to his neck. He swore under his breath and clenching his teeth.

"You're going to regret this....." He growled.

"How so bleach-boy?" I growled. He smiled as he kicked at my legs, noking me down and pinning me. He held both my hands above my head and sitting around my waist. He held his other hand behind him to show off how easily he could get me down. I glared up at him and looked him dead in the eyes.

"That's how. Now you're weak." He smirked as he looked me up and down as best as he could.

"We'll see about that...." I growled as I bucked against him, throwing him off balance. He put his hand down next to my head in an attempt to balance himself and keep me down. Big mistake. I bit is wrist as hard as I could, drawing blood. He shot up and ripped his wrist out of my mouth, causing more damage, and I punched him in the face before pinning him down. I held his hands by his head and wrapped my legs around his in a way that they couldn't move. The I​ did what anyone in my position would do, I smirked down at him.

"Clever girl, but not clever enough." He laughed as he somehow managed to escape my grasp and pinned me down. It went on like this for a few more turns, before he finally had enough and grabbed my caller, slamming me against a near by tree. "there, now you're under control." He snorted and chuckled.

I snarled and kicked his stomach, he bent down just as planned, and then I kneed him in the face. I walked off and looked back at him briefly. "The name's Nikki. Bleach-boy." I snapped as I started in the direction of home. I could feel the snake's tulng gently tasting the air around my ear as he rubbed his head against it.

"Not.... So fast.... Girl...." He growled as suddenly I was slammed into the ground. My back hurt a lot more than when I hit the tree before and he pulled my arms behind my back. I tried to struggle but then I was picked up and slammed into the tree again, this time my shoulder hurt a lot. I tried to move it, but I couldn't due to pain.

"Now, you are going to get every one of those people outside of your house, except you and your little brother, or you two will die. Do you understand me?" He snarled, his face only inches from mine. I spat in his face and growled, before whimpering at the pain in my shoulder. I looked over at it and saw a knife, stabbed into it. Jeff chuckled as he reached over and slowly pulled the knife out, looking me dead in the eye as he did so. I screamed out in pain as I realized the blade was serrated. Each duvet in the knife pulled at my flesh, cutting it more as the blade was pulled out.

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