The Final Battle Part 1

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Screaming. Nothing but screaming. I shot up off of Jack and looked around. Fire climbed the trees, the lights exploding as they heated up. I fantically looked around to try and find everyone as the screaming and odd animal roars filled my ears. I looked over at Jack and he looked like he was going to panic. He looked down at me and both of us nodded, jumping into action to find everyone. There was no set plan. No ideas as to what we would be doing. Just get everyone out.

As I was running I saw Sally screaming as flames jumped at her. I shifted as I ran faster, jumping last minute and transforming again, sheilding Sally's little body with my own as the heat of the flames engulfed us.

"Mommy it's so hot!" Sally cried as she buried her face in my chest, hiding from the fire. It hurt a lot, but it didn't set my clothes a blaze. The flames had surrounded me completely yet my hair and clothes had stayed in tact, like this fire doesn't burn things.

"It's okay Sally, I wont let it hurt you." I sniffed as the pain increased along with the heat of the flames, burning increasing.

"Little Nikki, how's your 'training' going? I'm sure you're going to be so strong you'll be able to defeat me huh?" A dark voice echoed through the flames, sounding amused. I ignored the voice and screamed as the fire moved around my body, burning it slowly. It felt like I was being roasted over a fire pit slowly. Sally screamed as well as she cried, burying her face in my chest.

"It's okay Sally, I won't let it hurt you.." I mumbled as I grit my teeth and held the small girl close, I won't let her get hurt. Whatever that voice belongs to, can wait.

"Hold on love!" I could barely hear the other voices over the sound of the fire.

"Nikki!!!" I think I heard Jack scream. I could only hear the screams of the forest. The forest was screaming, every living thing was screaming in agony, crying out for help. I curled around myself as I held my ears, the screams of agony echoing in my mind as I tried to block it out.

"Sally... Run.." I snarled as I dug my claws into my scalp, clawing at my ears. "Go get my clown..." The screams of the forest continued as the small girl ran through the small gap of the surrounding fire, disappearing into the flames. I could almost feel the pain of the forest creatures.

The forest's screams finally died down as did the flames slightly. I sat up, crawling slightly, my ears feeling like they should be bleeding. The smoke and heat burned my eyes and I tried to walk out of the flames.

"Nikki! Are you alright?!" Sammy's voice followed through the fire, sounding as if she was struggling with something.

"I never imagined my personal visit with you would end up with you ignoring me. Why don't you just pay attention to me!!!!" The same dark voice echoed out as footsteps echoed after me and the fire around me intensified. No not gonna happen. I said you can wait! I need to get to my family...

"Oh of course, of course dear, but you wont have them for much longer." Can this creature read my thoughts? How does he know what I am thinking?!

"Jack!!" I cried out as I tripped and fell, almost breaking my wrists with my landing. I snarled as the flames grew a little more intense around me.

"Mommy please be careful!" I imagined Sally crying out as she clung to me, trying to help me get back up.

My head was pounding, my throat dry from breathing in the smoke, and my eyes burning from the flames. I curled into a ball until the flames left me, the dark voice still echoing through the fire as it moved away, leaving me in a coughing ball of fur.

"Nikki! Are you okay?!" Jason paniced as he ran over to me with Sally hot on his tail. I nodded as I was picked up by a very worried father who had to check for any injuries.

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