The Final Battle Part 2

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When the movie was over I stood up, but Jack grabbed my hand and pulled me on top of him. I looked at him, wide eyed, before he pulled me into a kiss. I quickly pulled away and slapped him. Jack looked at me dumbfounded before sighing as I got up off of him and stood up.

"You know I'm not really Jack, don't you?" He asked as he sat up and rubbed his cheek.

"Yes I do. Found a book describing the exact effects of making yourself look like someone else's lover." I growled as I glared at the male sitting in front of me.

"Oh, so that's why you where in the library for so long." He laughed as he leaned back into the couch. "What exactly gave me away?"

"Well for starters you are a horrible actor. Jack would never say that it was just an us day when I'm supposed to be getting ready for some crazy event to better protect my family. Second of all, he would have insisted on going with me, now that he is my fiance and we don't have much time alone together anymore, and finally, Jack can't make pancakes. He wouldn't have offered to make me any because he still can't make them. I don't know if you've noticed but my clown doesn't necessarily cook." I sighed as I slapped my forehead.

"Oh... I should have known those bits already. I mean, there are some instances I didn't know about like the two of you getting married, but still." The Jack look-a-like said as he looked over at me. "Time to go brag to everyone about that."

"Jerk. Now could you stop looking like my boyfriend offender? It's getting kinda weird." I rolled my eyes as I crossed my arms and started heading over to the door.

"Fine, fine. How'd you know it was me though?"

"Jack hasn't, nor would he yet, kissed my neck before and didn't ever have an issue with sharing me with Nate. Or rather, he never called it sharing." I stepped out the front door and walked into the woods, feeling the breeze on my face as I walked through the trees. "Jack? Sally? Mom? You guys out here?" I called out into the trees, listening for a response.

"I can take you to them if you want Nik." Offender's voice called from behind me.

"If I don't find them then maybe. And please, don't ever call me that again." I growled as I shifted forms and sniffed around, looking for their scents. Jack teleported away from here, I can smell his smoke.

"Why? Is it cause daddy calls you that?" Offender laughed as I shot him a glare. Watch yourself Offenderman... "Is that really the reason? Jeez, I guess Jason really is your dad. What do you call him? Daddy? I hope not. I know someone who'd get jealous."

 I snarled and jumped at the tall male, teeth snapping at his neck. Offender slapped me away with one of his tendrils coming from his back. I snarled again and got low, ready to attack again. This dude just doesn't know when to shut up. His voice is annoying me and I hate the things he's saying. I swear if he doesn't back off anytime soon I'm going to gut him.

'M'lady! Are you okay?'

'Red? Is that you?'

'Yes, where is your mate?'

'Don't know, and I'm assuming you don't know either. Do you know where anyone else is?'

'no, but I have a feeling I know who does.'

'Wait a minute, where the hell is Sally?!' I snapped my teeth and quickly whipped around, looking at the forest and listening for any sound that I could to indicate where she was.

'It's okay madam, I can assure you she is safe. If I remember correctly she came to find me and tell me she was going to be with Mr. Eyeless Jack.' Red Hood came out of the forest and walked over to me, lowering his head and tail in respect. I nodded as he approached and looked back at Offender, snarling. Red looked at me before following my gaze at the tall male and snarling just the same. I shifted back and stayed down on all fours, my tail swishing from right to left and my ears flat against my head in anger.

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