Moving day

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I groaned as I felt something petting my head. I rolled over and the petting stopped, but the it started up again. 'Who is petting me?' I open my eyes and look over to the edge of my bed and see Red's face... Asleep.... I rolled back over and saw Laughing Jack asleep with his arm around my waist. I felt something move my tail and noticed Brian was asleep, using my tail as a blanket. So all in all there are three boys in my bed right now.... I can only imagine what my father would say if he saw this....

I tried to move away from them but Jack pulled me closer, Brian snuggled into my tail more, and Red scooted closer to me while petting me in his sleep. Now how do I get out of this without any of them trying to kill the other?

"Nikki..... Are you awake......" Jack mumbled as his eyes opened slightly. Knowing how he would react to the other two in the bed with us I panicked and kissed him to make him close his eyes. To my re-leaf he closed his eyes and fell back to sleep. 'Thank the gods'. Red then started mumbling in his sleep, which made Brian jump and hit Jack's leg, which woke him up with a yell, which woke Red up and he kicked Brian and then a fight in the bed broke out. The three boys where fighting and I somehow got hit in the face. That's when I joined in and everyone was wrestling, I managed to pin everyone at least once before getting pinned down by someone else. It was so much fun, then the other two guys left and it was just Jack and I wrestling.

Jack pinned me down, and we both took a second to take a breather. Both of us where panting and my tail was wagging. Jack's legs where straddling my waist and tail, so I had to ty so hard not to hit his crotch with how excitedly my tail was moving, and he had my hands pinned down at my shoulders. He looked me dead in the eye before smirking.

"Did the alpha dog just submit to one of her lower ranking pack mates?" He chuckled as he looked down at me, His eyes holding a mischievous look in them.

"No, I've been pinned down by my mate. There's a difference cotton-candy." I giggled as I stuck my tongue out at him.

"You sure about that?" He leaned his head closer to mine.

"Yeah, I mean, you can't possibly fight any of this awesomeness." I gloated as I rolled my eyes.

"I have my ways. You've seen them before, remember?" He leaned closer, I could feel his warm breath on my lips. Jack smiled as the blood started rushing to my face.

"Those also where teases you butt." I stated as I made a funny face at him.

"I know, that was the point." He laughed.

"Now-" Before I could finish he cut me off by kissing me. I kissed back and he let my hands go, before pulling away.

"Happy birthday gummy-bear." He grinned.

"That's right. I almost forgot it was my birthday today." I smiled as I rolled out from under Jack and pulled him down onto the floor, laying down on top of him. "Now you're stuck..."

"But you have to go shopping today..." Jack laughed as he wrapped his arms around me.

"What do you mean? Did one of you call Sammy again?" I gave him a sarcastic look.

"Your mother may have..." He looked off to the side before picking me up and carrying me downstairs.

"Here comes the birthday girl!" Nate and Red yelled at the top of their lungs. I laughed as Brian attempted to take me from Jack's arms and pouted when he couldn't.

"You guys are adorable!" I laughed as I pulled all four boys into my arms and hugged them.

"Could you shut the hell up for once?! Come on can't a killer get some sleep around here?" I looked over to see a vary cranky Jeff the Killer. Welp, he's in for it now.

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