Wait.. I'm what with you?

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  " Because.... a kiss is a sign of love...."  I said as I looked down.

"What does that mean though. Parents kiss their kids everyday."

"Yes, but not like we just did..... Love is something deep... Between two people..." I said.

"Yeah, but what happens when someone is in love? I don't think I've ever been in love before, because I've never been human before." Jack stated as he tilted his head to the side like a pup. "I'm actually like a Jack-in-the-box, brought to life because of someone. "

"Well.... When you love someone.... You always want to be with them. You want to keep them happy, be there when they are sad, protect them, and keep them in your embrace for as long as you can. You want to keep them by your side and you get butterflies in you belly because of them. They make you happy, and you care for them. You don't want to see them get hurt, or get humiliated.... I honestly don't know that much about love, like how to explain it, I only know how it feels...." I said, hiding my face in my pillow.

"Well, can I tell you what you do to me?" Jack asked as he pulled the pillow away from my face and made me look at him, gently of course.

"Uh...sure..." I said, knowing that I was not going to get out of it no matter what I do. Plus I want to know if what I think is really true.

"Well, seeing you smile makes me happy, I get a strange pain in my chest whenever you cry, I feel more protective over you than anyone else. I um... I've been getting the strange feeling that I have to keep you close to me, I fell as though if I'm not the reason you're laughing, I want to hurt someone. I don't know what it is... But whenever I saw you and Jason hugging I felt like strangling the life out of him." Jack said as he looked down and held his knee, digging his claws into it. I grabbed his hand and kept it away from his body.

"Don't hurt yourself over it. It's okay..... Just.... I don't know...." I said, looking down at the floor.

"Nikki, what the hell are you doing to me? I had barley any control over myself when I saw you and your ex boyfriend together, I almost strangled him every time he talked to you as if you where something less than him." Jack said as he squeezed my hand. I almost pulled away from him when he said this.

"How long where you around without me knowing?" I asked cautiously. If  he's been around as long as The Rake said so... I don't know what I'll do.

"Three years.... I'm sorry I couldn't tell you that he wasn't a good guy before it was too late. I tried leaving notes, but you didn't read them..." Jack said as he went to hug me.

"So... you know the stuff I've been through... and you know me more than I thought...." I said, looking down and leaning back onto the bed as he reached for me.

"Yeah.... I'm sorry for basically stalking you..." Jack said as he started to retreat back. I grabbed his arm and made him lay down, laying across him after words.

"No, its fine.... Does that mean that what the Rake said was true? That you where planing on killing Nate and I?"

"Y-yeah..... But then I sorta read your diary and that all changed..." Jack said, nervously laughing.

"Wait, you read my diary?!" I yelled sitting up off of him and looking down at him.

"Y-yeah.... But only while you where writing in it!" Jack said as he quickly sat up and looked at me.

"You don't do that! Like ever!!" I yelled, starting to get mad.

"Please don't get mad at me!!" Jack said as he shielded his face from me. I glared at him playfully and decided to be a smart-alic.

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