The New Toy...

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It's been about three weeks since Nate was kidnapped and there is still no sign of who took him... or why. The police gave up on his case and have left me to find him. They said something like 'it's been to long, miss, he's more than likely dead' but I refuse to stop looking for him. I've barely gotten any sleep because I would have nightmares, and Jack has been taking care of the house, and trying to make me eat something.

"Nikki, come one. You have to eat something. Don't you want to be able to save your brother when we find him?" I looked up at Jack. His eyes filling with hope and worry.

"I-I'm sorry....." I mumbled as Jack sat down on my bed next to me. I've been taking showers, just not eating or sleeping. Jack passed me a plate full of pancakes, bacon and eggs. I stared at the food, wondering what if any of it I should eat.

"Here, let me help you. Try the pancakes, I made them myself." I sniffed and nibbled one of the pancakes. I can't deny, these pancakes tastes amazing. They where like normal pancakes, only with blueberries and chocolate chips in it, with butter pecan syrup. "Is it better than last time?"

"Yes, because it doesn't look like a black brick with tar inside." I giggled. Jack smiled as he grabbed one of the pancakes and took a bite. He coughed and ran out of the room, freaking out the entire time about how bad it was...

"I still can't believe you could eat those things that I made..." Jack said, he sounded like he was really shocked... Well then...

"I couldn't eat them... I just said they taste better than last time, and ate them anyways because I was really hungry..." I stated simply as Jack walked into the kitchen. I stood up and followed Jack as I asked," H-hey, um.. do you want to.. um.. like watch a horror movie? Like when you return if you don't find him?"

Jack almost dropped the plate he was washing."You mean, first you are able to leave your room without crying and loosing your head, and now you want to watch a horror movie with me? Are you feeling alright?" Jack asked as he put the plate down and walked over to me, placing a hand on my forehead.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm not sick Jack.. I just.. I um... I-I...." I couldn't seem to get the words out of my mouth. I guess that I'm just really embarrassed that I want to spend more time with Jack.. Maybe I do like him... a little more than a friend.... Jack gave me an encouraging smile.

"You can tell me you know, I wont judge you... I like you to much to judge you silly goose!" Jack giggled. I smiled and looked away from Jack as I felt my face heat up. I looked down and hid my face with my hair.

"I-I like you too you insane clown!" I giggled as I walked out to the living room.

"You got that right!"

"You're a little too confident in that!"

"Are you saying that you don't like this monochrome awesomeness?" Jack asked as he motioned to himself.

"Oh you're awesome? I didn't know that!" I giggled. Jack pouted as he walked back into the kitchen and finished the dishes. I sat down on the couch and turned on the T.V. A kids show was on but I didn't really pay any attention to it, I just picked up my sketch book and started sketching(No duh).

"Are you seriously watching Dora the explorer?" I jumped but then calmed down when I saw Jack leaning over the back of the couch.

"Is that what's on the T.V? and how on Earth do you know what that is?" 

"I've had some girl playmates. You know, like Nate and you, well, nothing like you..."

"What do you mean nothing like me?" I asked, a little worried that Jack didn't like me as much as other little girls, witch is just really, really weird... I have no idea why...

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