Baby sitting.... with a clown?

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I woke up to the sound of steady beating right beneath my ear. I stretched and hit something with my fist.

"Ow!! That's one way to wake someone up!!" I looked up and gasped. My head was on his chest and his arms where wrapped around me in a hug.

"S-sorry Jack...." I shuddered as I pulled away from Jack and jumped out of the bed. Jack looked at me and then flipped back on the bed.

"Did you know that you like to throw punches in your sleep?" Jack asked groggily before getting up himself. I looked at him with an apologetic look before grabbing my clothes and sprinting to my the bathroom at full speed. After I changed, I headed downstairs and walked over to the couch. I huffed and flopped down on the cushions like I had been working all day.

"Hay sis? Can I baby sit with you today?" Nate asked as he came down the stairs groggily. I sighed and shook my head no.

"Why can't he?" Jack asked, he sounded.... scared? I gave Jack a concerned smile and sighed.

"He can't because he has to go to school. And are you ok Jack?" I asked. Jack stiffened and nodded, very tense. I sighed as I hurried Nate up to his room to help him get ready. I grabbed his clothes and tossed them to him. He caught them and walked under me to the bathroom to get changed and brush his teeth. I put his book into his backpack and packed up his homework. Jack walked into the room as I put the rest of Nate's school supplies into his backpack. Jack walked over and put some candy into one of Nate's pouches and smiled at me. I have him an annoyed smile and ran over to the bathroom. Nate came out and jumped up onto my back as I put his backpack on him. He and I laughed as I sprinted out the door and walked him to his bus stop. I put him down as the other kids started showing up and the bus appeared right down the street. I waved goodbye and sprinted back to my house to get ready for the day, baby proofing the house and making sure no windows where open and they where all locked.

I just finished cleaning the house when the phone rang. I picked it up and stood in the kitchen.

"Um.. h-hello? Is m-ms. Nikki s-solstus th-there?" A female voice asked worriedly.

"Yes,this is she, how may I help you ma'am?"

"Um.... I was told that you're my baby sitter?" The woman asked, I could tell she was worried about leaving her child in my hands, but that's normal for mothers.

"Yeah. And I can promise you I will take good care of your child." I said sweetly. I need to show her in a way that she can trust me.

"O-ok... um.. well I'll see you in about half an hour... I guess."

"Ok, drive careful!" I tried cheering. The woman in the phone giggled slightly and we said our good byes.

When I was done on the phone I walked into the living room to find Laughing Jack sprawled out on the coffee table on his back. He was mumbling to himself and staring off into space when I walked over and sat down on the couch. Jack immediately bolted up, an expression of.... fear? What the hell is wrong with this colorless clown?!

"Jack are you ok? You seem troubled." I asked, trying to stay calm. But the way Jack is acting, it's scarring me a little.

"Y-yeah! Of course! Why wouldn't I be?" Jack sort-of freaked... I was getting a little scared, but decided to let it go and dragged Jack next to me. I wrapped my arm around him in a comforting manner and asked again, making sure he knew that I wasn't gonna let him go unless he told me.

"Jack, I'm gonna ask this again, what is wrong?" I filled my voice with concern and authority as I looked over into his faded blue eyes.He gave me a look of fear before mumbling something I couldn't hear."what?"

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