New Rules

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Jack looked down at Red and I and almost snarled.

"Get the hell off of her......" He growled as he glared dangerously at Red.

"Jack... It's okay, he was just keeping me from hitting my head too hard, that's all!" I smiled sheepishly as I sat up and rubbed the back of my neck, Red standing up almost instantly and bowing to Jack.

"I am so sorry sir, I didn't mean to threaten your role as her mate..." Red looked down terrified.

"Who the hell are you." Jack responded, not taking his eyes off of Red as he walked over to me. I stood up and he placed his arms around me.

"My apologies for not introducing myself yet sir, my name is Red Hood, I am Nikki's hunting partner. I am here to protect her and follow her as a member of her pack." Red bowed, taking off his hood and  then standing back up.

"She doesn't need your 'assistance', you may leave..." Jack snarled. I stood between the two boys. This is getting crazy, why does Jack get jealous so easily? There's no reason to it.

"Jack I believe I will be the one to decide that, and he was assigned to me to help me through.... whatever is happening to me now.... So please don't kill nor hurt him." I asked as I looked up at Jack, I then looked over at Red and sighed. "Thank you for not attacking him right off the bat Red."

"It is my duty to protect you M'lady, not meddle with whom you chose to be within the pack." Red lowered his head in respect and sat down right where he was sitting.

"So... You're a wolf now?" Jack asked as he looked down at me. "You look different."

"How so?" I asked as I tilted my head to the side.

"Well for starters, your hear is more of a gray-ish blond, along with ears and a tail. You now have claws, and your pupils are a different size as well, slightly thinner." Jack said as he gently grabbed my chin and tilted my head up slightly so that he could look at my eyes better.

"W-well yeah.... I'm sorta one of you guys now..... Um.... and y-your welcome to join my pack..." I stated as I started blushing. This is weird, my heart is pounding and is screaming at me, but not for the usual reason. 

"Hmm.... I'll have to think about that offer..." Jack chuckled as he came closer to me, his nose almost touching mine.

"Is there anything I can do to help your decision to go to my favor?" I asked as I looked him in the eye, my ears going straight up and my tail wagging like crazy. It is going to be so difficult to hide my emotions now that I have these two....

"Maybe..." Jack moved closer and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer to him.

"Miss? My apologies for interrupting you and your mate, but Chris is here..." Red bowed his head with his hands behind his back.

"Th-thank you Red..." I groaned as I pulled away from Jack and walked downstairs to the door. I opened the front door to see Chris about to nock on the door.

"H-hey Nikki?" Chris asked as he looked at my ears.

"Yeah? Come in before someone sees me like this..." I grabbed his arm and pulled him into the house. He didn't take his eyes off of me when we walked into the living room where the whole family was there. Nate, Jason, Mom, Jack, and Red Hood.

"Who's this?!" Chris snarled as he stood between me and Red.

"This is my hunting partner, Red Hood. He's a member of my pack. And he told me you're like me.."

"Yeah... I am.... I'm guessing you all want to see it?" Chris looked at everyone as I sat down on the floor. Mom was in the chair, Jason, Nate and Jack on the couch and Red was leaning against the couch as well until he walked over to sit next to me.

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