Long Lost Family Tree

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I woke up with my head on Jack's chest again, but this time I did't punch him when I woke up. I smiled as I wiggled out of his hold and started getting ready for the day. I'm not gonna be babysitting for the rest of the week so why not get Nate off to school and watch a horror movie with Jack. Nate walked out of his room and walked straight to the bathroom. I followed him because he looked paler than normal, sort-of.

"You oka_" I was interrupted by the sound of puking. "Oh Nate.... I'm sorry this is happening to you..." 

"Shut up you little pest!!" A voice called from Nate's position. He turned around and looked at me in pain before walking over to me and hugging me close.

"S-sorry Nikki.... I'm sorry for not going to school like you wanted...." Nate said as he pulled away and started in the direction of his room.

"Wait... Nate look at me..." I said as I grabbed his arm lightly.

"W-why?" Nate asked as he turned, looking worried. I looked at his eyes, I could have sworn that one of them was slightly red a second ago... I pulled Nate closer to me and looked deep in his eyes.

"What's wrong Nikki?" I looked up to see Jack standing in the doorway to my room, and then I looked back down at my brother's eyes. One of his eyes flashed dimly before returning to normal. Nate looked at me in fear, his little eyes watering slightly.

"Nothing. Sorry Nate, just go lay down. I'll bring you a bucket and some water." I said, letting go of my brother and walking downstairs.

"What just happened?" Jack asked as he followed me down stairs.

"I could have sworn that one of his eyes changed to a blood red before returning to normal..." I said as I grabbed a bucket and a glass of water.

"Are you sure that's what happened?" Jack asked, concern hiding behind his voice. 

"Yeah... Why?"

"Just because. Do you want to cuddle latter? Or maybe.. I don't know how to ask it.... Nikki you're killing my brain." Jack stated as he hung his head.

"Uh... I don't know.. are you planing on making me mad just to do that one thing that you did yesterday? Or maybe escalate it? Cause if you do-"

"Don't worry, I won't escalate it that much. Unless you want me too." Jack lowered his voice to say the last part. I nearly slapped him, but I stopped myself from doing so. "You know, I might let you dominate me at one point in time..... Like maybe when..."

" That much? Really Jack?!" I yelled. This was so not normal for someone to do. "Are you trying to get slapped? Or are you trying to flirt with me?" 

"Um... A little of both. I'm seeing how much you can take before breaking." He whispered into my ear as he wrapped his long arms around me from behind. Chills went down my spine again as I turned around.

"Where is all of this coming from? I mean, about a day ago you where a supportive protector, and now, you're all flirty and all this nonsense." I stated as I pulled away from him and walked up stairs.

" I sorta picked up a few tricks when watching some of my friends flirt with some girls while at a bar." Jack said, shrugging his shoulders. I rolled my eyes at him and walked into Nate's room. I almost dropped everything I was holding when I saw Nate on the floor, shaking violently and mumbling to himself. I quickly put the water and bucket down as I ran over to Nate.

"Nate what happened?" I called, panic taking over me.

"M-m-mon-s-ter..... I-I'-m a-a M-m-oms-st-ster....." Nate cried as he looked of into the distance. His eyes glossed over and foggy. 

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