Moving Day Part Two

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I looked off to the side and closed my eyes again. So Jack and I have changed each other, could be both for the better and for the worse. Odd.....

"So... Is this the place you want me to live now?" I asked as I jumped from sudden pain.

"Yeah.... How about we get you fixe-"

"My Lady!!!" Red's voice interrupted Jack. I looked over and saw Red, Brian, Jason, my mother, Nate, Chris, and Jeff. Red ran over to me, panicked, and grabbed my arm, moving me to sit up to investigate every inch of my body. I yelped in pain from the sudden movement and Jack instantly jumped at Red, tackling him to the ground. The two males fought as I leaned back in the couch. Jeff walked over and pulled the two fighting apart from each other and throwing the two at each side of the room.

"It's clear that Nikki is pretty beat up right now, can we not fight and get her to see the boss man?" Jeff asked as he held his hands up, keeping the two away from each other.

"This wouldn't have happened had she been with me..." Brian groaned as he walked over, looking at my open wounds.

"You were there.... Why didn't you stop Rake from taking her?" Jason growled as he walked over to me, pulling out needle and thread.

"Not this again...." I groaned as I was picked up and placed on the coffee table. My shirt was being lifted off and I quickly grabbed the ends of it, holding it down. "could we not take my shirt off with so many guys around?"

"Right, sorry. Everyone leave. Nate, Grace and Jack, you stay." Jason ordered as everyone left the floor. Brian looked at me in an apologetic fasion as he shut the door.

"I'm so sorry Nikki. I should ha-"

"Shut your mouth clown. Nikki don't talk. Save your energy." My mother said, moving some of my hair out of my face. I nodded and closed my eyes, listening and growling at the pinching of the stitching.

"So I can't apologize for my mistakes now?" Jack's voice held anger. I can only imagine what he's thinking right now.

"No, you can. But this wasn't your mistake. Rake took her and if you did react she would have wound up with more wounds than she has now." My mother snapped.

"I still could have been there sooner!" Jack raised his voice.

"Don't raise your voice at me boy. It's bigger than you and what you can and can't do..." My mother hissed.

"We need to figure out what he wants with-"

"Would you tow shut up for once.. please. It's argument and challenges between the both of you. Knock it off..." I growled, feeling my ears and tail return from me hiding them.

"Let's get your head bandaged now. Can you sit up?" Jason asked, placing a hand on the back of my neck and on my hand for support.

"Yeah..." I growled at the slight pain as I sat up, placing my hands on the table behind me to support my weight.

"Okay, I numbed your sides with a shot, so maybe that will help with the pain." Jason stated as he grabbed bandages from somewhere and began wrapping them around my head. I looked up to see Jack sitting on  one of the couches, watching Jason with a solid glare, when our eyes met he quickly looked away, got up, and began pacing.

"Mom? Who is hunting me and my brother?" I asked as I looked up to my mother, Jason mumbling with disapproval of my head movement.

"Zalgo. Although with what Offender filled me in on earlier, I think we're dealing with something or someone much bigger than him..."

"Yeah... And I don't like it." Jason said as he cleaned his sewing kit.

"Thanks, Dad." I said as I rubbed the back of my head. He stopped moving and looked up at me in shock. Mom smiled warmly. Jason smiled to himself and continued what he was doing before.

"Y-you're welcome Nik. Anything for my kid." Jason didn't look up at me, he just stood up and walked over to a dark brown door with a sewing needle on it. I guess each of the rooms have a symbol for each person.

I looked around to the surrounding doors and noted all of the symbols. The doors where all the same dark brown, oak wood I think, but with different symbols. One had a red heart, one a large smile, another with a piece of candy on it, and one with a card on it.

"Jack?" I asked as I looked up at the pacing male. Jack jumped and stopped moving, still not looking at me. "look at me please. You're acting stranger than normal."

"Sorry Gumdrop. Just... I don't know how I feel about you living here and having this life style." Jack sighed as he walked over and sat down on the ground in front of me, taking my hand in his.

"Well, you could say it's in my blood." I shrugged my shoulders and moved down to sit next to him, but he stopped me. I flinched slightly and whimpered at the pain in my sides and head. "Second time I got stitches due to the Rake. I will get him back for this...."

"I know how that is. First time I got here, Jason kept giving me a beat down. Ever week, that is until I finally got him. Gave him payback." Jack laughed and looked as if he was remembering a fond memory. I smiled as I stood up. Brian and Red Hood came back up to the floor and walked over to me, smiling gently as they both took one of my hands. Jack growled slightly as they both kissed my hands and walked over to a room with no symbol on the door, walking in together and whispering to themselves about something.

I got up, and walked over to one of doors with no symbols and stumbled into the door.

"Nikki? Do you wanna sleep in my room?" Jack asked. I turned my head and looked at him with a warm smile. He was standing behind me, reaching out to me slightly. I nodded and took his hand in mine and fell over, falling into him. "Nikki, don't push yourself. Lean on me okay?"

"Sorry. There you go again, making me fall for you." I chuckled as my tail wagged slightly. I rested my head on his shoulder as we walked over to his room.

When we got to his room I lied down in Jack's bed and turned into a wolf. To avoid all the pain moving around in the night. I wrapped my tail around myself, to my nose and looked out the window in the room.

"Nikki, did you know you look really soft when you're in that form?" Jack asked. He sat down on the bed and I looked up at him. Light pink dusted his face as he struggled with his words. "I-I mean you look really cute. Not that you don't always look cute, you just look more cute as a wolf..."

I tilted my head to the side and looked Jack in the eyes. He blushed even more and looked away from my gaze, rubbing the back of his neck. I shifted forms again and looked at him with a smile.

"What am I trying to say.. I like you're wolf form? Not that I don't like your original form. I mean both are pretty cute... I me-" I pulled Jack into a kiss and hugged him. He stopped talking and kissed back, wrapping his arms around my waist and gently pulling me closer to him. I pulled away and giggled.

"You're a dork." I shifted back into a wolf and sat on the bed, looking at him. My tail wagging slightly. He laid back on the bed and I rested my head on his chest, curling up in a slightly and closing my eyes. Jack scratched behind my ear and pet my head. The comforting sent and head pets from Jack eased me into a peaceful sleep.

Sorry for the long wait guys! I've been stressing out over some stuff and trying to get this book done by the 30th of July. Happy fourth everyone! Thanks for sticking with me and with the book for so long. It's been almost a year sense the first chapter was published. Thank you so much for encouraging me and cheering for our heroin. Thanks again and I'll see you all in the next chapter!

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