baring the truth

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When I woke up, my head hurt and I was laying on the floor of my little brother's room.

"Nate? Hey Nate what happened last night?" I called out. When I got no answer I shot up, but immediately regreted it. My head hammered as all he events that accerd last night came flooding back. I screamed as I slammed my fist down on the ground.

I just lost my baby brother to some stranger, who knew how to fight, and the nickname he gave me was very familiar. But what would he want with my little brother? I stood up and slammed my fist into the wall, causing a dent and almost making a hole in the wall between me and my brother's rooms. I shook my head and walked out of re room, tripping over something. I looked down and saw I had tripped over a body, but not just any body, Laughing Jack's body. I gulped as I crawled over to him and lifted his head onto my lap. I almost cried, thinking I had lost him, but then my actions where greeted by a groan of protest. I sighed with relefe, and stood up. I then wrapped my arms around is torso, right underneath his arms, and carefully dragged Jack downstairs to the couch. He is way to heavy for me to pick him up so I have to drag him down the stairs.

After I got Jack on the couch, I went into the kitchen and grabbed some ice and wrapped it up in a towel. After the ice was in a towel, I gently placed it on Jack's head. After that was done, I got myself some ice and locked myself in my room.  I sighed as I sat down on my bed and looked out my window. I buried my face in a pillow and screamed.

I couldn't protect him....

I couldn't protect the only one in my life that stayed close and listened....

I didn't protect him like I promised....

When my voice was raw from all the screaming, I started to cry. I only wish that I could have kept my promise. I just hope he isn't dead.  When I finally stopped crying, I grabbed my phone and called 911. I told them about the man and how he broke in and took my little brother. Only I said he was my son. I also told them it couldn't be his 'father' that kidnapped him because he was still living here and was just as devastated about Nate being kidnapped as I was. The operator understood and told me a missing person's file would be made and  they would ask people to keep an eye out for him. She also told me that two officers where gonna come over to my address to get a picture of Nate.

When I was done on my phone, I started to look through all of the pictures I had of Nate. I cried a little when I watched the video I took of his eighth birthday party. All of his stuffed animals where set up in chairs, and his imaginary friends all sat with him. I smiled at the memory, but then remembered. That was the first time I heard him talk about a person named Jack. I gulped. How on earth was I not able to remember that name when Nate said it the first day I met jack?! How could I be so stupid! Of course Jack knows me! He was Nate's imaginary friend for who knows how long!! God I'm so blind!

When the video was over I cried again. I know I'm acting like I'm a little girl that just lost her baby blanket, but I just lost my baby brother that means the world to me and I basically raised Nate, so I guess you could say he metaphorically is my son. I really hate this, I couldn't help Nate when he was being kidnapped, and now I can't help him because I have no idea who took him from me....

I hate feeling helpless.....

"Nikki? W-where are you?" A voice called from downstairs. I didn't answer because, one, I wanted to be alone, and two, I'm locked up in my room. "Nikki?..... NIKKI?!" The voice continued, getting more and more frantic every time. And next thing I know, Jack is standing in front of my door.

"What do you want jack?" I mumbled as I looked down at my tear soaked pillow. I grabbed my blanket and wrapped it around myself as I looked back up and out my window.

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