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seventeen: hangover

It is eleven in the morning. Heat still nowhere to be found, shoes left in front of the door, and pillows everywhere on the floor. Seokjin found a hard time to wake up from a heavy sleep as he didn't want to do anything yet.

Hangover; that's how he feels right now. The sunlight struck in front of his face as the curtains in front of him are wide open. He quickly covered his eyes with the quilt that covered his entire body as he groaned loudly from the pain he's currently feeling.

"Did I drink too much?" he asked himself, squinting his eyes.

Seokjin felt the urge to stand up from the bed to get an aspirin inside the cabinet of the bathroom. So he did and got one. Through the process of standing up, he found a hard time as he began wobbling. He took the aspirin and drank water, gulping it at the same time.

Once Seokjin finished drinking the medicine, he realized how silent the whole room was. He noticed that Krista is nowhere to be found. Worried, he decided to look for his phone to contact her.

He saw that he got a hundred missed calls and several messages from Krista which he didn't even expect. He looked at the messages and read everything Krista sent.

Seokjin felt a sudden anxiety after realizing that he was too drunk to remember all the things that happened to him last night. He wondered if he did something worst to Krista's eyes... or something like that.

He started to call her yet unfortunately, she wasn't answering.

"The person you're calling right now is unavailable. Please do leave a message after the beep," the voicemail stated.

"Krista — I'm sorry I didn't know that you were calling and sending me messages last night. I'm sorry I made you worry that you didn't get the chance to sleep properly. I'll make it up to you. I'll explain when you get home. Where are you now?"

Seokjin hung up, still feeling the anxiety anyone couldn't get. He's afraid of what Krista's going to be. Is she going to be mad? Frustrated? Sad? Is this actual karma?

Seokjin cleaned himself up while waiting for Krista. It's been two hours and she hasn't come back yet.

As he was taking a hot shower, he noticed a hickey on his neck. Gasping, he wondered who he just hooked up to.

Ugh. I will never go back to bars again. Dang it, I hit several cigarettes last night. This is probably the biggest regret I've ever done in my life.

His thoughts were interrupted as he heard someone open the door of their room. Seokjin went out of the bathroom and saw Krista.

"Krista," he smiled while grabbing a piece of cloth to cover his body. She smiled back, but weakly, as she placed her shoes on the shoe rack. She seemed really unhappy.

"I made lunch for the both of us. Let's eat," he told her, trying to sound very nice. He placed two plates on the table and sat.

"I already ate," she bluntly said as she went to the bedroom. A sudden throb felt in his heart as if he was getting rejected from something he offered.

"Krista. Look, I'm soー"

"Oh — Jin, I have something really urgent to tell. I just booked a ticket back to California. I'm leaving in one week," she said without even looking at Seokjin's eyes as she knelt on the floor to grab her luggage, unzipping it.

Seokjin stood still, not having any idea what's going on, and wasn't sure what to say. She's leaving?

"Why?" he stuttered, still not knowing what to say.

"I need to study."

"But Krista, I already told you that we're excused. How are you going back by yourself? Why didn't you tell me—"

"Oh come on, Jin. We all know I'm a freeloader here. First of all, I am not a freaking model," she emphasized the word freaking while quoting it.

"You are not," he fought back.

"Of course I am still thankful since you offered me to come to your hometown for free and I thought this would be my opportunity to know you better but I guess I was wrong, you know.

"Second, I feel like I'm just a complete nuisance to you. Third, what's the point of trying my best on you when you were taken that time and now that you're single, you're doing things you weren't even doing before and keep on being distant to everyone around you. Well, I understand that you're broken but don't take your anger on me! Do you even know how much it hurts my heart? Do you know how big your actions and words impact me?"

Seokjin, furrowing his eyebrows, doesn't have any idea what's happening. He doesn't know what to say because he wasn't expecting anything from Krista.

"Because Jin, I care for you. Jin, I love you. Here I am, confessing already," she paused and let out a laugh while crying.

"Jin, I knew I started feeling something ever since you first knocked on the door of my room; I felt it. Even though I was in a relationship with Casper that time, I knew that I'm going to have feelings for you. I really did. Jin, I love you. I just pretended to be okay with what you do with life but deep inside, it hurts. Last night, I saw your hickey. I felt like my heart shattered into million pieces. You also kissed me, Jin. Not on the lips but the corner of my lips but what, do you even remember anything? Probably no, since you were drunk. Because I don't know anymore. I'm done."

She loves me?

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