thirty nine

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krista's pov

I am the type of person who gets bored that easily when you aren't doing anything at all. Since Jungkook wasn't with me the whole day yesterday, I gave my time on exploring this gorgeous country by myself. Eating is considered as one of the lists I did while I was strolling around; I did window-shopping but didn't buy yet since I need someone's approval on my fashion. I am not satisfied with my fashion.

I found billboards of Jin and noticed how famous he really is in this country. While I was walking, I thought of ideas on how to communicate with Jin again. I felt like I need to meet him after months of not being able to communicate with him.

All of a sudden, someone knocked on the door which caused me to stand up from the bed. I immediately opened the door and Jungkook leaned on my body, which caused me to carry his weight. He smells like alcohol and vape, which disappoints me. I remember the time when Jin was also drunk once he got home and he smelled just like the same as Jungkook just now.

I just hope that this one won't be the same memory again.

"Jungkook, where have you been?" I asked him anxiously while I carried him on the way to the bed. He lied down in bed and groaned loudly while I got a pair of clothes.

"I drank," he murmured sheepishly while groggily smiling yet his eyes closed. I sighed, knowing that he's just half-asleep.

"I know, Jungkook. Let's get you dressed up, you smell like bar," I snickered as I tried to pull up his shirt but unexpectedly, he pulled me for a hug. I shrieked a bit until he kissed my lips for seconds.

"I love you so much, Krista. Let's just sleep," he grinned, his eyes still shut down.

I just ignored the fact that he's very drunk while I'm sober and just admired everything about him. I really love him to the point where I don't want to lose him anymore. Even if he's drunk, moody, or what, I'd still accept him for who he is because Jungkook is Jungkook.

"Jungkook, please don't ever break up with me," I let out an exasperated sigh after I whispered those words to his ear.

He hummed, his eyes closed. "I won't― I love you very much, Krista."

As his words came out from his mouth, I started to cry. I cried into his chest until I felt Jungkook move. I looked at him and he's wide awake.

"Krista, don't ever think that I would break up with you. You're very important to me and please always remember that I can't live without you. You're, like, my star, my partner-in-crime, my buddy, and my future family. Krista, I'm sorry that I left you earlier. I was degraded and felt like you didn't appreciate going here with me― but I guess I was just overthinking. Krista, I love you very much," he hugged me tightly as he explained it to me.

My heart felt light as he finally confirmed his love to me. My anxious faded away. I'm very glad that he still loves me even if I sometimes act rude to him.

"Hey," he sighed, "I'm sorry, okay?"

"I―It's fine," I chuckled, wiping away the tears from my eyes. I wish I could slow my heart right now. "I love you too."

jin's pov

I'm freaking doomed. I made out with a girl I never met before while I was drunk. I woke up, naked in the sheets, and is beside with a girl. I don't know what to do― should I run away from her bedroom or introduce myself?

Oh goodness, did we use protection? I looked around her room and no box was found. I started to feel paranoid and finally dressed myself as I planned to run away from her and never introduce myself.

"Hey?" the lady slurred as she woke up. Damn, I'm so doomed. I can't let her see my face. I need to run but my conscience says to act nice to her. I'm so frustrated, I don't know what to do! "Oh gosh, did we... did we― Uh―"

"Yes, we did but please forget about this," I said, still not facing her as I finally locked my belt to my pants.

"J―Jin?" she stuttered. Oh gosh, how on Earth did she know me? I wasn't even looking at her.

I tried to face her now but I was literally shaking. I regret going to this stupid bar. Why did I even allow myself to go the bar with my party-guy friend?

"H―How did you know my name?" I stuttered, feeling anxious. I can't feel my hands as I trembled with fear.

"Your voice seemed familiar. You are famous, why would a guy like you enjoy a night with a simple girl like me?"

She started to look around until her eyes widen.

"Shit, did we use―"

"No," I groaned, my hand turned into fist. I'm mad at myself for being stupid. I can't have issues especially that I'm turning into a successful model. Damn, I can't face consequences.

"Shit, shit, shit!" she panicked and repeated those words several times. I'm feeling the same but why can't I let those words out?

"I―" I stuttered. "I don't know what happened, miss. Both of us were absolutely drunk last night and we didn't have any ideas. I didn't even know that we did this! Miss―"

"My name's Hyojin," she mumbled, looking down as her body was still covered with the white sheet.

"Hyojin, I need you to keep this thing as a secret, please," I begged. "I promise to keep contact with you but if ever you finally know my number, don't give it to anyone else. I trust you, okay?"

"Of course I won't tell! I'm only eighteen and I wasn't even ready for this. Oh my goodness, why did this happen? Why did I go to a bar with my friend when I'm not that type of person?" she cried. I started to feel guilty and hugged her.

"I'm sorry you had to feel this way. I wasn't supposed to go to the bar as well but my friend dragged me as well. I never expected to be that drunk," I told her after I heaved for a heavy sigh.

I pulled away from the hug. I can see pain in her expression. What did I just do?

I started walking in the streets and gladly, there weren't any paparazzi. It was eleven in the morning, my mind full of thoughts on how to face the upcoming problems until I didn't realized that I bumped a person, which caused the person to trip.

The person fell down to the floor, completely lying down and my eyes widened. Can't this get any worse?

"I'm absolutely sorry," I apologized as I tried to help the lady who fell down because of me.

"Please watch your ste―" she stopped talking. I looked at her face to read her expression but my heart beat felt a sudden pain.


author's note

it's been a long time my friends !! sorry for the long update, but school got me stressed out. tbh, my final exams will be in two days but i decided to write a chapter bc i am in the mood to write lol

ily all please comment and vote bc i love seeing ur feedbacks!! :)

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