thirty three

901 51 24

krista's pov

Wind started to scatter around the area which caused me to shiver from its coldness especially when it held onto my skin. I started to point my toes as I patiently waited for a man who's starting to feel special to me at the waiting shed. It's Jungkook.

I couldn't express what I feel about today's event; we're having our actual first date. I couldn't sleep well last night since I kept thinking about our date. I also spent an hour thinking of what to wear, and guess what? I wasted an hour instead of making myself ready. Nevertheless, I got to wear something comfortable and nice to look at. Since I was so excited, I was fifteen minutes early before our actual meet-up. I couldn't stop looking at myself using the front camera of my phone since I was worried that something would look weird in my face.

Surprisingly, someone tapped my shoulder twice which caused me to turn around, revealing the guy I currently like standing in front of me. I smiled warmly and quickly stood up. I awkwardly chuckled when he offered his hand to me.

"Hi, Krista," he kindly said with a grin on his face. I took his hand and we started walking away from the quiet waiting shed.

"Hello Jungkook," I replied back. I suddenly felt safe and secured around Jungkook. I'm glad that I chose him instead of Jin. I mean—if I chose Jin, I knew I wouldn't even stand a chance on him and would just continue to hope. Jungkook likes me, and I'm learning to like him as well. He's also helping me to get over with my feelings for Jin. In my opinion, I think it's best if Jin and I would remain as best friends.

I'm glad I didn't reject Jungkook.

"I'm nervous, Krista," Jungkook muttered as he intertwined his fingers to mine. I hummed and looked at him. My heart started to warm up and knew that I would be happy around him.

"Let's try not to feel nervous to each other since I also feel that way. But we've hung out several times, didn't we? Let's think that our relationship was strong before, let's make it stronger then," I smirked. I clutched into his hand and continued walking.

"My mind is actually blank right now. Except for one, all I could think is about you," he mumbled. I looked up and sighed in relief. "What?"

"I like what you said, Jungkook. I like it," I laughed.

"Well, I like you," he winked. Cheeky, huh, I said in my mind. We continued walking full of silence and awkwardness but only one thing didn't keep us apart; our hands are connected which lead us to safety.

Gladly, we arrived the venue on time. Jungkook and I are actually going to watch a movie inside a cinema right now. Sweat started to fall down that was forming on my forehead due to my nervousness. People don't usually sweat around here because of the weather unless you do something that would actually make you sweat such as running, doing sports, and whatnot. 

I tightened my grip to Jungkook's hand which caused him to look at me with a small smile forming on his pink lips. All of a sudden, I felt the urge to hug him and appreciate him while he's still existing in this world.

But I couldn't—as if I have the guts to do it in front of other people, especially in front of him. Holding hands would be enough—for now. I just smiled back and looked down.

Jungkook pulled away his hand from mine and placed it to his face; which hid his face. I started to wonder why he did that; as if I did something wrong which made me feel guilty and embarrassed.

"Please stop being adorable, Krista," Jungkook groaned, not looking at me. I started to chuckle quietly and faced him. He's taller than me, obviously and I'm only at his neck level. Well, that sucks, to be honest. I've always wanted to be as tall as tell men. 

While Jungkook and I were buying tickets to watch a movie, I looked around to see how crowded the mall is at the moment. Crowded, indeed! All people inside the mall look like a bunch of sardines roaming around. But one person caught my attention which caused me to stop breathing for seconds. Fuck, I promised myself not to fall or get affected.

"Jungkook, I'll come back soon. I have to go to the comfort room in a moment," I told Jungkook, trying to excuse myself. He just nodded and told me that he'll wait for me. I separated ways with Jungkook and followed the person which caught my attention. I took the person's wrist as I finally reached him. The person turned around which caused his eyes to widen.

"Jin," I breathed.

His face turned into a slight frown and slouched his back. His face looks like he's pretty mortified by what he saw which pretty much hurt my feelings.

"K-Krista—" he heaved for a heavy sigh before he replied to me, "what are you doing here?" 

He sounded like he's afraid of me. He was stuttering when he greeted me. I don't know but I feel like we're being awkward to each other.

"I have a date with Jungkook," I smiled warmly, trying to lighten up the mood. But no good— he looked serious. I just shrugged it off and sighed. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I'm heading to grocery to buy ingredients for my food. Please enjoy your lovely date with Jungkook as I start going to the grocery," he weakly smiled as he slowly turned around. I felt like it was rude of him if he abandon me all of a sudden. I mean—I'm still talking to him. But I can't stop him, since I'm not holding his life.

But I couldn't let him go, I don't know why, but I couldn't. I didn't realize that I was already gripping on his wrist, giving him a sign to stay for at least a minute and share his happiness to me like our old days.


"Krista, it's been three minutes so I decided to go to the com—" someone interjected from behind which caused my head to look back and I gasped, seeing Jungkook behind me. He looked confused, seeing me holding Jin's wrist. I let go of my grip and stood straight.

"It's not what you're thinking," I shook my head but he just smiled. How could someone smile at this crazy moment?

"It's all right. I understand, Krista. Now will you excuse us, Jin? I have to get Krista now," he said with a sheepish grin on his face. Jungkook gently took my hand and sighed. "It's our first date. Let's make it special."

I just nodded as a sign of agreement but I heard Jin groan and walked away from where he was standing seconds ago. I don't know why I felt hurt, just what the hell.

author's note

i'm so sleepy zzz it's already 1:34 am here good night

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