forty two

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krista's pov

"Honey! Please buy some cereal for Jackson," I called for my husband as I started to grab our six-month-old son from the crib who was crying out loud, craving for food.

"All right, I got it!" Jungkook swished himself on the stairs and swiftly grabbed the car keys on the table. I laughed at his actions, adoration started to fill in me. I really am in-love with my husband; Jungkook is the best. He started to kiss my lips before he went outside to start the engine of his car.

Jungkook and I had been married for a year and a half now. He decided to propose to me after the five-year relationship we have. The proposal was very adorable; it wasn't that extravagant or what― but I appreciated it a lot. We were at a concert of my favorite indie band and all of a sudden, the main lead started to call for Jungkook and I. They told us to both go to the stage and I felt like I was really lucky that they noticed me. While I was on the way to the stage, out of nowhere, Jungkook was gone. Nevertheless, I went up the stage since I felt like my dream just came true.

Minutes later, Jungkook started to go up the stage, a bouquet of red roses in his right hand and a small box on his left hand. He held the microphone, made a speech for me in front of a lot of people, and that's it― he gave me the flowers, knelt down, and opened the small yet precious box. I burst myself into tears that time― knowing that Jungkook really is the one for me.

Minutes, hours, days, months, and years had passed yet I never stopped loving him. Even if we go through hardships, we still managed to fix everything as early as possible. Our families are very supportive for the both of us.

Jackson, my son, started to cry as he was craving for cereal. I texted Jungkook to hurry up since I get so anxious with our son already. Minutes had passed and Jungkook was back, obvious that he really hurried up. He was sweaty, sweaty in a sexy way.

"Say aaah," Jungkook started to give a spoonful of cereal to Jackson while Jackson's in my lap, looking at his gorgeous father.

While feeding Jackson, I gawked myself at Jungkook, appreciating him in everything. I started to wonder if I really deserve a perfect person like him because look at me― just a normal girl living in an apartment and studied Business for college. I must be very blessed.

"What are you looking at?" Jungkook wiggled his eyebrows, touching my chin. I backed off and stuck out my tongue. The walls of our house is white. Whiter than white; plain like it feels lonely. But Jungkook existing would complete the loneliness of this house.

"I wasn't looking at you!" I tried to defend an obvious lie. I looked away at him, trying to act that I'm irritated when I'm actually not. He snorted first and eventually chuckled loudly, causing him to slap his thigh several times, his muscular thighs to be exact.

"Okay, whatever," he rolled his eyes while he was beaming at me. I smiled back, knowing that his smile lifted up my mood. I love him very much.

"Hey Jungkook?" I called him and he just hummed as a response, continuing to feed Jackson. "Have I already told you how much I love you?"

He got distracted as he stopped to what he was doing. He gawked at me and eventually smiled warmly. All of a sudden, he covered Jackson's eyes and quickly went near my face. He gently kissed my lips full of passion, love, honesty, and care. We kissed and I never felt tired kissing him.

jin's pov

Hyojin got pregnant two months after Krista and I talked. It's been five years. Five years yet I'm still so broken to Krista. I really find it hard to move on. She shouldn't have kissed me, my feelings just turned chaotic.

I never got to enjoy my relationship with Hyojin. I felt like I was forced to be with her since I got her into this situation. Of course the media knew about it. I told them I was proud about having a child, but deep inside, I wasn't ready to be a father. Having a family didn't affect my career. In fact, I'm still successful. Despite the money I get, I'm still not satisfied with my life.

It's been five years since the last time I've seen Krista with my own eyes. It's been five years since the last time we talked. We lost contact, you know. Even if I know all of her social medias, I just couldn't find the guts to talk to her. Maybe I really am a coward.

I pretended to be happy with Hyojin. I show respect and care to her― except for love. I can't show her because I'm not really in-love with her. It's been five years and I'm tolerating this whole act. Imagine surviving an unhappy life for five years.

Kim Haeni, our three-year-old daughter, has a talent in sketching. I'm happy because she inherited this talent to no one and I feel like art could bring her successful future. I accepted Haeni, of course, since she's my child but sadly, I can't feel the love just yet. I took care of her, brought her to a lot of places, and whatnot but... this might sound selfish but I wanted a child with Krista.

Maybe faith really brought me to this one. Not everything I want would really happen in my life. Goodness, I'm really devastated!

"Jin," I heard Hyojin call me from the bedroom as I was taking a shower. "Jin, I think Haeni has fever."

I suddenly widened my eyes and quickly turned off the shower. I grabbed the towel and put it around my waist. I went out of the bathroom and saw Hyojin putting a face towel on Haeni's forehead. Sungja is sleeping.

I touched her forehead and felt anxious as I felt the heat. My heart started to beat faster and rapidly dressed myself up, not even bothering to be naked in front of them. "What happened, Hyojin?"

"I don't know as well, Jin. Maybe we should bring Haeni to the hospital right now," she whispered yet I can feel the anxiousness in her.

"That is exactly why I'm dressing up right now, Hyojin. Now get up and let's go!" I ordered as I grabbed my car keys and lifted Haeni in my arms. As the three of us finally went inside the car, I sped off.

I don't understand why problems come to me. I don't understand. Is it because I can't love myself anymore? I don't understand.

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