A best friend's love

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It wasn’t that weird for me to hang out inside Steven’s room the entire hour this Saturday because I was fond of doing it… For my entire life! Steven was my best friend since I was born, practically because his parents and mine were also friends since they were high school.

“Maggie! Come over here and help me with this stuffs!” Steven cried.

“Steven, how many times do I have to remind you that my name is Megan and not Maggie? You’ve been calling me that since we were preschool.” I shot back.

“Whatever Maggie, Just come over here.” He said.

I suddenly scrambled out of his bed and went over him at the rooftop.

He was practically working on a project for school, Not to mention that the project was also mine. We’re partners- but I was just too lazy helping him right now because Saturday was supposed to be a day off on school. I mean, who the hell loves working on school days, NO ONE.

“Come hold this bar please?” He asked as I went my way to grab the bar he’s offering to me. What in the world is this bar for?

“Can you just stop making that thing, Have a break first. It’s pretty exhausting you know. I’m tired.” I said desperately, holding up my forehead dramatically.

“Says the lazy one?” He joked, nudging me on my side which I automatically dodge away with.

“Oh puh-leez Steven, Can we just go to the mall instead? Please? Please? Pretty please with a cherry on top!” I demanded.

Sure that he was going to fall on my puppy eye thing so he let go of what he’s holding to and run to his room. Changing into his new polo, and brushing his hair.

“So, what are we gonna do to the mall?” He asked, slinging his arm on my shoulder.

“Dolan was working today at the ice cream parlour, we can go visit him.” I said gleefully, he dropped his arm to his side automatically.

“Oh so you forced me to stop working on our project just to visit your crush on his work, I’m telling you, why can’t you just apply there too so you get to work with him?” He said. 

“I don’t really want to talk to him; I just want to see him. Oh, and… we can go shopping.” I giggled causing him to roll his eyes on me.

Steven hates shopping, especially when I’m the one who gets to be with him the entire time coz’ for all he know… I won’t stop till my savings will get down onto its lowest balance, but… He still goes shopping with me.

I walked to his car, suddenly having a grip on the handle as I went inside and pasted myself on the front seat of his car.

Later on, we got to the mall and headed to the ice cream parlour where Dolan was working. I manage myself to find us a seat where I can have a perfect view on Dolan.

Steven went to the counter and ordered us an Ice cream, As usual I get to have the Oreo craze flavour while he have the bubble gum. After he ordered us some ice cream, he sat down at our table and passed me my ice cream.

“you know he’ll never talk to you.” Steven giggled.

“Shut it… We’ll just wait.” I shushed him down causing him to chuckle, I swatted his arms.

All my life I kept wishing that Dolan Smith would recognize me, well maybe that’s a little impossible because he’s already in his senior year while I was just on my junior year. He’s eighteen and I’m sixteen. But, he’s the only boy I’ve ever dreamed off, he’s the one I’ve been wishing for, every birthdays, ever fallen eye lash and every wish that was given to me. He’s the one I want and I’ve been really sure of it.

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