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We were here today at the mall with Sandra, Ellie and Sasha. Buying some gowns for the Valentine dance. We’ve been here since like forever but we haven’t saw the perfect dress yet.

Maybe… just maybe… I won’t pick pink this time. I wanted to wear blue for the sake of my boyfriend’s favourite colour.

Steven was too busy today and even last week. I finally took my mind off about the so called family problem that we have.

“Earth to Meg… Hey, did you even hear me?” Ellie snapped out my day dream, giggling at me and so were the two girls beside her.

“Wha- what?” I asked in confusion… She was right, I didn’t hear a thing about what she have said.

“I said that it’s almost 12, we need to eat lunch…” She smiled.

“Oh yeah sure.” I smiled, Following them to an Italian restaurant.

It was Ellie’s grand-dad’s restaurant so she always eat here for free. She had this so called Ellie’s Menu where her favourite food was there already.

“Cheesy garlic Pizza for me.” I smiled.

“Whoa! Good choice, that was my favourite too!” Ellie giggled excitedly.

“Really? Then, we’ll take it too.” Sandra and Sasha said in union.

“Meg… You were so down like today? Is there any problem?” Sandra asked.

I couldn’t lie to them, so I said the so called family problem. They were all shocked.

“What? You mean… Naomi and Raymond were like… you know? They were so sweet together.” Sasha said.

Oh yes she knew how sweet mom and dad would have been before. She knew us since I transferred there in Cambridge.

I hate the feeling of love. It’s like you were so happy in one second then the other turns out pretty crappy.

“Well… they’ll get over with it.” Sandra smiled.

“Okay, let’s just change the topic. Hey Meg, Wanna go to the field this after-lunch? We can bring some pizza for the football team.” Ellie suggested.

“Nahh. We’ll just bring for Steven and Alex. I don’t want to carry a super big box of pizza for the whole team.” I laughed.

“Yah… and it’s not like they have win already.” Sandra laughed and so did we.

Our orders got around for just ten minutes as we started eating it.

Ellie was right… It was the best cheesy garlic pizza I’ve ever tasted. It was a combination of cheese and some shredded garlics. It’s crust is so fluffy and it don’t have some pizza sauce. I also have some spaghetti but the blend of the pizza over powered it.

Ellie ordered another pair of cheesy garlic so we could bring it to Alex and Steven later.

After a round of chit-chats and laughs, we finally walked out the mall and headed to the fields.

“So what do you think Steven was doing right now?” Ellie asked.

“Don’t know. Maybe having a break time or something.” I smiled.

Mall wasn’t that far from the fields so we were now five feet away from the gate.

As soon as I opened it, I froze.

This isn’t really my lucky day isn’t it? Hell!

“Oh-MY-Freaking-God!” Ellie screamed catching everyone’s attention.

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