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It’s been a week after some football players asked me if I like Steven… Well, My answer is I don’t know. Meaning, maybe it’s a yes or maybe it’s a no.

But today, I’m dealing with another problem. Ellie’s dying to have a sleepover this weekend and she wanted it to be held in my room since my family will be out the whole week. I don’t know how did my family manage to ALWAYS leave me alone at our house or maybe they just saw how unadventurous I am…

“Come on Maggie, Please?” Ellie said.

“Sleepover will be great!” Sandra and Sasha agreed.

“Okay fine… But who will be included because for all I know tomorrow, Steven will be at our house too.” I said, picking up my carrots with a fork.

I hate school foods, They’re just… Ugh! They don’t have some good tastes. I barely touch my food and I don’t care if I starve or what. I still have three hours before school ends.

As I expected, Steven showed up together with Alex and sat beside me. I was now stuck in the middle of my boy best friends.

“Maggie! Have you even touched your food?” Steven asked, looking all concern.

“Not really… I don’t like the food.” I said, pushing the plate slightly away from me.

“You’ll starve!” Alex pointed out.

“I don’t care.” I said, rolling my eyes at them.

Steven doesn’t have some packed lunch either, Cora was too busy to prepare him something. But he liked the school food so he doesn’t have to worry about eating yucky foods.

I tried rummaging my back if there were any sandwich or lays but I failed… I have nothing. Our grocery supplies ran out last day and mom was really busy to drive at the mall and buy me some grocery.

Like yeah, Steven took my spoon, Shove some rice, carrots and some pork which I really don’t like.

“Open your mouth.” Steven ordered. Oh yeah right, He’ll feed my like I was a baby or something.

“No, I don’t want to eat.” I said, clapping my hand on my mouth to cover it.

“Come on Mags, Don’t make me open your mouth.” He said.

I gave up. Opening my mouth the Steven shoved the food inside it.

“This is the worst lunch that I ever had in my whole lifetime.” I muttered.

Swallowing the food and immediately drinking my water. They all laughed and I swear, I won’t eat school food ever again.

“Why don’t you come to our sleepover tomorrow?” Ellie invited the boys. Like yeah, For all I know, Sleepover was supposed to be NO BOYS ALLOWED.

“Sleepover?” The both gushed, exchanging looks and started tapping their chins. I was expecting them to Laugh but no. They accepted the invitation.

“Cool! Tomorrow, Saturday, four thirty in the afternoon at Megan’s place.” Sandra said, excitedly.

“We’ll be there.” Alex said.

The lunch time bell rang and I’ve realized that, I didn’t really touch my food. Placing it in the bin and walking out at the cafeteria.

As the hours passed. My tummy started rumbling. Making my way to the schools parking lot to be at Steven’s car.

He started driving the other way around.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“To Martin’s house. I’m just going to get something and I’ll drive you home.” Steven smiled.

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