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“Maggie! You came back for me!” Steven shouted.

“Sure I would! I love you!” I screamed and run back to him, giving him my sweetest kiss.

I opened his car with my mom and Aunt Cora, We drove back to our place, Dad was sitting at the couch and tears filled his eyes.

He begged for mom’s forgiveness and gave her a warm hug, Steven and I exchanged looks then went to my room to pack up.

“I can’t believe mom changed her mind!” I said cheerfully.

“Yeah I know. It’s hard to convince her though but for you, I’d do anything.” Steven said.

I was feeling relieved, tears fell from my eyes and Steven reached for it and wiped it with his thumb. He leaned closer—Closer—Closer—and poof!


“Meg, wake up. We’re here already.” Mom said.

I looked out at the plane window and saw we’ve already landed.

I was just dreaming… I thought it was already real, Oh god. I wish that the world would reverse. I wished that this thing that was happening right now was just a dream and any moment I would wake up and say Steven staring right back at me. I wished it last night but no, Maybe I just wished on a plane that I thought it was a Star.

None of us knew anyone in here, But mom had already bought an apartment for us to stay in. She called a cab and told him to go for the address written in the paper.

It’s a thirty minute drive before we got there. It was small and warm. I’ve never been into London before, I know I must be happy coz I’m in a new place right now but no. I left my best friend back in California, I left my boyfriend without even saying a proper goodbye. All I have to do now was to move on.

I opened my phone and saw a lot of text from Martha and Matt, I just ignored them, it also had a voice mail from Steven.

“Hey Maggie, I’ve read your letter already. You made me cry, a lot… Why didn’t you told me about this, you know you can say anything to me. I love you, no one could ever replace you here in my heart but I’ll do what you say, so I believe this is goodbye? I hope this will not be the last time that we’ll ever talk again. I’ll wait for you Megan. I’ll wait for the time when you’re ready to come back even if it’ll took me decades. I love you. Goodbye.”

The voice sounded broken, He must be crying when he send me the voicemail. I love Steven, I don’t really want to go and leave him but I love my mom more than anything in this world. I hope to have a new start and to have new friends.

Maybe I could open up again and cool off a bit but my heart always belongs to California, where Steven and my best friends live. The place where I grew up and where I’ve spent most of my childhood years.

Summer was now approaching and after that, It’ll be our- I mean- My senior year, I have plans already, I’ll start off going to college and try to stay alive. I know I’ll survive, I know I would.

I always thought my life could be like in movies, Where I am the lead role, Steven was the best friend that I could fall inlove with and be together with until forever but No, forever was just a word… Like mom and dad, They vowed in front of the church and promised to be with until forever but their forever was just until last week.

Last week where it all started with justa simple fight, I tried to be strong but Mom decided to leave and get a new life so now I have to help her, She didn’t ask me to go but no, I made a choice…

I made a choice, and my choice was to be with her and leave everything behind. Choice to be away with my best friends and most especially away with Steven. But still, I know I’ve made the right decision, To be with my mother, who gave me my life and everything.

I know I’ll be with them soon, No one knows when, Maybe tomorrow, the next week, next years, next summer or maybe… just maybe… Someday when Mom was ready to face our life again.

You know life isn’t about fairytales and day dreams, Life’s a combination of laughter and tears, a combination of bitter and sweet and most especially a combination of Love and Choices.

A best friend’s love…

The end.


Theeeeeeee Eeeeeeend.

Sorry for being a little mean... I'm already working on the sequel but I'm not planning to post it yet... 

give me likes and comments please?

Thank you for reading guys, it made my heart smile. :D

Hope you'll support my other books:


'Diary of a teenage girl'

'unknown room'

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