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“Steven…” Nana said.

“Wha? What?” I asked, blinking my eyes open.

I took a little glimpse at the clock it was already six am.

“Aren’t you going to school?” She asked.

“I don’t want to leave Maggie.” I said.

“You can go, I’ll take care of her.” She smiled.

“I’ll stay, you go rest Nana.” I smiled, then she smiled too.

Not wanting to have an argument about me going to class, she went out and proceed to the cafeteria.

Maggie stared to blink.

“Feeling a little better right now?” I asked.

“uh-huh.” She said.

“You’ll be okay in no time.” I smiled


Three weeks later:

“Steven!” I said, standing up. Trying… but failing, by the way.

“Yep?” He smiled, entering the hospital room.

My arms were still bruised and also my face. I could walk a little but still, my body hurts. Curse the day I joined the cheerleading squad. Curse that stupid ground where I fell. Curse my bruises. Curse my cemented arm and most especially, Curse Mitchie!

“I bought you something.” Steven said, hiding something in his pockets. He didn’t attend his football practice today. He said that he’ll take a day off after three weeks on not seeing me.

“what’s it?” I asked excitedly.

He took a pack of gumdrops on his pockets, I know there’s some more inside his bag. Waving it in the air as my smile grew from ear to ear. I love gumdrops.

“Sweet mother of gumdrops! Thanks!” I smiled.

He went near me and sat down on the hospital bed beside me. I helped me by pulling me up in sitting position. I cannot open the pack so he did it himself. He even offered to help me eat the gumdrops.

Picking a piece of gumdrops, Steven slowly dragged it to my mouth like he was feeling a baby. I opened my mouth wide so he could toss it there but before my mouth could touch the piece of gumdrops, he shoved it to himself and grinning like a fool!

“Oh you pig!” I growled causing him to laugh even more.

He offered me again once more but still before my lips could touch the gummy thing, he ate it! PIG! Ugh! I wanted to eat badly. Snatching the pack away from him using my un-cemented arm. No use, I can’t eat using one hand only.

“You expect to eat with a cemented arm? How bright Maggie.” He teased, shoving the gumdrops away from me.

“Curse that gumdrops.” I frowned. He pinched my cheeks lightly as he snickered.

Offering me again a piece but this time, I just stick my tongue out at him. I don’t want gumdrops anymore. To my surprise, he brushed the gumdrops on my tongue. Oh I can feel it’s sweetness, I still want it badly.

“Steven just toss it in my mouth please?” I begged.

He did toss it but it’s the only gumdrops left on the pack. Ugh!

“Poor Maggie… No more gumdrops.” He laughed like it’s the funniest thing on earth. UGH!!! Steven was such a pig!

I frowned as I stumbled my way back in lying position and not facing him. Turning my back on him causing him to giggle.

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