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“Guys! Where are you taking me?” I asked then as they dragged me somewhere at the fields.

I had this strange feeling that It won’t be that great. They looked like a little pissed off too.

“Guys, I have to give this notebook to Dolan by---” I was saying something but we stopped.

My jaw dropped open when I saw Dolan kissing Ashley right in the lips. I just can’t believe it! The cheering and football practice was already done and it was raining. The dark was a little challenging but my eyes were already locked in Dolan’s grey ones.

He stood there, shocked but then I stepped out at the umbrella and run to their side.

My heart was shattered, I just got fooled by my first love! I thought he really had this feeling for me but he was just using me for whole three weeks. I can’t believe that I was so blinded by my love for him. I can’t believe I’ve been so stupid!

“Megan… I can explain.” Dolan started.

“Explain what? How you used me for answering all of your assignments? How you…” I started to trail off when I felt myself crying. I was bursting down and I don’t want to made them feel that I was weak but I just couldn’t help it.

“Well, It’s not my problem that you act so Stupid around me.” Dolan said sarcastically.

That! Cold hearted, Heartbreaker! Stupid pervert jerk! I can’t believe he said that.

“Here’s your Stupid assignment jerk!” I said as I throw the notebook at him. I don’t care if it got wet, I’m wet and their umbrella was too small for me to fit in.

“Thanks Megan.” Dolan said like nothing had just happened.

“Stupid!” I screamed.

I started running away and I don’t care if I got sick or something. It was cold October night and it was raining hard. I found myself passed my three girl best friends as they looked at me like they felt so sorry for me.

“Megan…” Ellie started but I slapped her hands away. I don’t want anyone to see me cry but I just couldn’t help it.

I run to the park bench where I cried first and felt like the whole world had just crashed onto me.

Hours of crying and the rain started to chill down. I don’t feel like going home yet and I don’t care if I freeze to death or something. I want to die. I want to take the time back where I ditched Steven and hopefully I wished I didn’t do it to him.

All I need right now was Steven. He was my best comforter and he always listen to me. But no. I have to remind myself that he didn’t care about me, and he’s not there. It was only me, myself and I sitting alone at the park, seven thirty in the night and it was freezing cold.



I kinda miss being with Maggie right now. It’s been three weeks after I said something that totally crushed her. I didn’t mean to hurt her but I can’t help myself burst.

I felt like I just been a horrible best friend to her. I have hurt the love of my life! I never get to tell her who my crush is or who my love is because I was afraid for her reaction. I know how much he love Dolan and I know I never get to have a chance on her.

She looked at me as her best friend and Nothing more.

I was also feeling a little guilty for letting Mitchie kiss me (Talking about gross)

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