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A month after the winter break, it was three weeks before February. Everyone’s gossiping about the valentine’s dance.

“So who’s your big date.” Sandra asked.

“I don’t know… No one asked me yet.” I said, sticking my face on the textbook while waiting for our geometry teacher.

“So how about Steven?” Ellie asked.

“Well… Maybe, but I’ll wait for him to ask.” I said.

“He’ll ask you.” They all said.

After the first class was done, I and the girls headed to the comfort room to refresh our lip gloss.

Steven was pretty busy with the game. All he thinks is football. I was glad that last week, the play got successful but Steven didn’t show up. Only Aunt Cora and Skylar from his family came.

Mitchie suddenly opened the room with an evil grin on her face.

“Do you even know how to knock?” Sasha said, rolling her eyes on Mitchie.

“Well, I guess this bag belongs to someone else here.” She said, showing us a pink bag with a cute letter M on it. It has a circle keychain engraved with S+M and some other bling hanging on the zipper.

Wait… That bag was familiar… I gazed around to see my bag was nowhere to find. Oh my god… If that was my bag… Oh god! I have my phone there that contains private stuffs. My tablet, my diary, my pens, my textbooks and many more. All I have with me right now is my hanky and my lip gloss which is totally useless in this situation right now.

“Mitchie, Hand me my bag now.” I ordered

“Come and get it.” She said as she started to run.

Oh god, there’s no way I’m gonna catch her. I’m not a fast runner and the second class will be in five minutes.

Since I need my bag desperately, I tried my best to chase her. She runs all the way through the hallway until the fields.

Catching all the football member’s attention, I tried screaming.

“Mitchie! Could you please give my bag right now?” I screamed.

“Not until you catch me, loser!” She screamed back.

I saw all of the football members eyeing us and there’s a smirk plastered around their face, Suddenly I couldn’t feel my feet anymore. All I know is I was being grabbed by someone else on my waist causing me to stop.

“Let Go! I need my bag!” I said, trying to get out of the person’s grasp.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa… Alex will took care of it. Look.” Steven said, pointing to Alex and Mitchie’s direction.

Alex stopped Mitchie and then snatched my bag away and run towards us.

Steven let go of my waist and helped me stand up.

“Thanks.” I muttered to the both of them, They gave me a half smile and went back practicing.

“Go run to classes now Mags or you’ll be in trouble.” Steven said, then I smiled and run to my next class.

Luckily, the teacher hasn’t arrived yet so I plopped in the seat next to Bianca at the back row.

She never speak nor ever talked to anyone before. I even asked her one day at lunch but she ditched me off.

Well… lecture in history was a pretty boring so I decided scribbling some doodles at the back of my notebook.


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