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It was now two am in the morning, My make-up was now removed, I was on my jeans and T-shirt, My back pack full of private stuffs were hanging over my shoulder, Pulling my suitcase and putting it on mom’s car’s backseat. She was already ready, she had everything on set, tickets were ready and the car was parked few houses passed our house.

It was like us, running away or escaping a gang or something. My eyes suddenly filled with tears as I enter the car, Mom gave me a weak smile and drove to the airport. I didn’t even say goodbye to Steven. I would surely regret that.


“Flight 102 boarding to London; please proceed to your plane now.” The operator said.

“Ready for this?” Mom asked.

“Uh-huh. Oh wait, I’ll just call Steven.” I said.

“You didn’t tell him about this, right?” Mom said.

“I didn’t. I can’t stand saying goodbye to him.” I said

“I know. I already told Cora about this, She cried.” Mom said.

“She’ll explain everything right?” I asked.

“Yes, dear. Go call him now, or we’ll be late for the plane.” Mom said, I took my phone out of my pocket and dialled Steven’s number.

After ten rings, I was now giving up. Two more before it turns into a voice mail but then Steven answered. Thank god.

“Hello?” His voice sounded sleepy.

“Steven.” I started, my voice cracking up.

“Ma- Maggie? Are you crying again?” He asked, I heard the operator again.

“Last call for the passengers flying to London.”

“Hey-Hey… Megan, where are you?” He asked.

“No time to explain, go to my room tomorrow, You’ll find out.” I said, trying hard not to crack up.

“Wait, I can’t understand Mags, where are you?” He asked again.

“Sorry Steven… I love you…” I said.

“Hey, are you breaking up with me?” Steven asked.

“I have to.” I cried.

“What? Mags, what happened?” Steven asked, now he was totally puzzled out.

“I love you Steven. Goodbye.” I cried

“Maggie, Please. I love you so much.” He said, his voice pleading.

“Steven… Promise me to be strong? Just remember, You’ll always be here in my heart.” I said.

“Mags… I love you too.” He said, he was totally crying right now.

“Goodbye.” I said, then hung up before he could say anything again.

Mom hugged me tightly as we walk to catch our plane. I tried sleeping because California to London was a long trip.



I glanced at the clock, it was already eight am, I felt that my eyes were puffy and remembered what Maggie told me last night or last early morning. She can’t be serious.

Panicking, I went to my bathroom and fix myself before going to their house.

“Steve- Where you going?” Mom asked.

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