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“Sasha! I said I’m not having a crush on Steven!” I whisper-shouted over the table.

Sasha kept on teasing me since the second period that I was crushing on Steven. Sometimes, it gets a little annoying but sometimes, I kinda like it too.

“Oh come on Megan! I saw you and Steven walking together.” Sandra said.

“It doesn’t mean when someone’s walking together they are together.” I said rolling my eyes on them.

“But Steven looked like he likes you.” Sandra giggled

“No he didn’t. Steven doesn’t li--”

“I heard my name.” Steven giggled.

Oh great, He’s here…

“They kept on teasing me.” I said burying my face on my arms.

“Aw… Maggie’s being teased.” Steven Awed.

“We’re teasing her that she had a crush on you!” Sandra blurted out, I could feel me cheeks were burning…

“No I’m not!” I said covering my face with my hoodie.

Steven took both of my hands away from my face while the girls took the hood out of my head. Great, They just saw me blushing.

“Megan’s blushing!” Sasha giggled causing everyone to laugh especially Steven.

“I hate you guys!” I giggled as I burry my face again.

Steven started to poke my sides causing me to jump.

“Steven!” I murmured. He just laughed and so were the girls.

All I was expecting now was to die in embarrassment.

“Maggie’s blushing…” Steven sing sang.

I really hate it when Steven started to tease me.

Okay, I was now grateful that lunch time was finally over. It was already Friday and tomorrow’s the date!

At four o’clock, I was sitting at the bleachers while Steven joined me. We were thirty minute early today so I had all my time to review for the quiz on Monday.

Steven lay his head on my lap while I started reviewing.

“Seriously Maggie? You don’t need to review for math.” Steven said taking the notebook away from me.

“I know, I just… Oh well, you’re right.” I giggled.

“So, how’s cheering?” Steven asked.

“Oh great, I was the one being lifted and thrown up in the air.” I said.

“Hahaha, that’s because you’re skinny and the girls can handle you easily.” Steven said.

“Oh come on, I don’t really like being too skinny but I have too. Remember the gymnast last couple of years?” I asked.

Remembering those days where I got silver medal in gymnastics. I wasn’t that flexible but I can do flips and turns and I can also do some bending and splits.

“Hahaha, How can I ever forget that? I thought you’re about to break your bones there.” He giggled.

I started playing with his hair when Alex showed up.

“You know Megan, I’m starting to think that you like Steven.” Alex said causing Steven to laugh.

“Okay very funny Alex. I’ve been tortured last lunch time and then again this hour.” I said.

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