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I’m stuck here at his room this night, It’s 12 in the morning but I couldn’t sleep anymore. I don’t know why I’ve been acting a little weird in my sleep though. All I wanted to do now is to be with Dolan again. He’s more like a drugs to me right now but I’m not like being obsessed or something, No one can blame me; Every girls gets to day dream about their crushes most of the time no matter what age you were.

Tossing and turning through my bed in Steven’s room, I found myself curling up in a ball when the cold air from air-condition caused my body to chill.

Maybe spending a night in Steven’s clothes again wasn’t really a good idea. It was so big and it’s like I’m not wearing my shorts right now. But it’s weird to think that wearing Steven’s clothes were a lot more like comfortable than mine.

I started scrolling thru my cell phone when I felt a hand around my body.

“Why are you up in this late hour Maggie?” Steven asked in his sleepy voice.

Seriously, I think he felt my body jump. Well, he scared the crap out of me, My back was facing his bed and I wouldn’t get to see the chance if he was awaken by my movements.

“Steven you scared me!” I murmured under my voice as he started to snicker.

“I know Maggie, I know. I saw you jump.” He giggled as I elbowed him.

Of course he saw me jump, The night light was a little brighter though and it’s not that hard to see everything with the little lamp near his telly.

“I can’t sleep.” I said while going back to my laying position.

“Want me to read you a story book?” He giggled.

“Silly… I’ll just try to fall back to sleep.” I said as I closed my eyes wishing me luck to fall back asleep.

Maybe I did fell back asleep. All I know was the curtains was already up and the sun rays were slipping through the windows causing my eyes to burn a little.

I saw the clock and it was already 9 in the morning. I never slept that late before.

Getting down through the stairs, I saw Steven working on a math problem on the kitchen table. He had bacons and eggs beside him and a milk in front of him.

His parents probably left last 5 am like they always do; Steven and I had the whole house to ourselves again.

“Good morning.” I smiled at him as I started to brush my long blonde hair with my brush.

“What’s good in a morning when you have to deal with maths?” He hissed.

“Oh come one Steve- Math wasn’t so bad… I’ll do it for you.” I smiled.

“Trust me, you’ll die.” He said.

“Oh come on. We have the same math class and I never really thought I’d die when I see math. I love math.” I giggled as I took the pen and the paper out of his sight.

I scribbled down the answers in a paper in less than five minutes. I can see his eyes widen when I handed everything to him, all the questions were pretty much answered without any trouble.

“Well… I see the math wizard gets to pass with this again.” Steven laughed.

“Ha-ha… Funny.” I said.

Finally remembering that it was Sunday, I wanted to meet Dolan at the park. Maybe we can talk about what happen last day at the mall. I’ll surely appreciate it if he remembers everything.

I suddenly found my way up to his room and talking a bath. I almost forgot that I don’t have a shirt with me. When I got out of the bathroom, I found my way walking to Steven’s closet and rummaging his clothes. I got to find a shorts of mine there, the on I’ve left maybe last month ago but, too bad I don’t left any clothes there.

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