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“Hello?” I asked again. There was a lot silence over the phone but then, it started breathing……

I put the phone down because I never really want to waste my time, I ran back upstairs and hurriedly sat down on my place.

“Who’s the girl?” I asked, looking so exhausted.

“Wait… The line cut off.” Steven said, dialling the girl’s number again… Suddenly. The home phone rang again.

“UGH!!!” I screamed, running back down again and answering the phone.

“Hello?” I asked, trying to keep my voice normal but seriously, I was now irritated. I wanted to be there with them when the girl answered but then, I froze to hear the caller’s voice.

“I love you.” The familiar voice said.

Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Am I the girl that Steven love/Like? I god! I could feel my feet melting.

“Ste—Steven?” I asked, nervously.

“Uh-huh.” He said then he hung up.

I was frozen when I heard everyone started giggling upstairs. I was now myself again.

I ran back upstairs and jumped at Steven, Started to poke and pinch his sides as he laughed uncontrollably… Well, his sides was his weakest point.

“Hahaha, Maggie. Stop it.” He laughed as he grabbed me at his back and placed me in front of him.

Without even thinking, I hugged him tightly as he buried his face on my hair.

“Promise me you won’t change after what I had just confessed huh.” Steven whispered as I nod.

“Pinky promise.” I giggled, Giving him a short kiss on his cheeks to see him blush and everyone giggled again.

“Ooooh, Lover boy was blushing.” Alex teased causing us to laugh more. Steven took a pillow and smashed it on Alex’s face.

“Hahaha, Stop it!” Steven said, finally standing up and went back to my old position.

“Okay… Maggie truth or dare?” Steven asked.

“I’ll go for dare.” I said.

“Go share your lays.” Steven said.

“What? It’s almost half empty.” I reasoned out. They all know how obsessed I am when it comes to lays but Dare is a dare. I better share.

Four hours now passed after the truth or dare session, Everyone was now prepared for sleeping. Alex and Steven will share while we girls will sleep in my bed. Good luck to us.

Everyone was quite drained out after laughing and watching some movies but me? My energy level was still high.

My mind kept playing how Steven said those words last four hours.

I love you.

I know now that I was actually falling for my best friend too but I’m just afraid that my heart will get hurt again. Well, Steven is Steven. He’ll do everything to protect me and he’ll never hurt me.

It’s hard to toss and turn while sharing your bed with three other girls so I got up and went to the balcony.

Everyone was asleep now so, I closed the glass door behind me so I won’t disturb them.

Resting my head on my knees while my earphones were connected to my ears, I barely hear the silence of the night.

A few minutes after closing my eyes, I felt someone hugging me.

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