ANNOUNCEMENT: A best friend's love remake

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Okay, so... I'm writing a remake of a best friend's love... it has new scenes and all... I'm still not sure if I'd post it here because some people already finished this version of stories. You see I got the idea when I was reading it, I find it too short every chapter and since I'm free because it's still summer for me, I can write a remake until school starts.

I already have some chapter written on my laptop but, I don't think if anyone will still be interested reading the 'REMAKE', maybe soon if more people would suggest on the comment box. And I'll be posting a new book for the remake, I'm not gonna edit this one and replace each chapter with the new one because that'll be confusing, right?

I wont promise you a whole new ending because if I'd make a new ending, the book 2 would be useless and I don't want that to happen since I love writing it. but I can promise new scenes, more chapters and more smiles. I'm making Steven a little more humorous and fun and Maggie more sweet and caring... I don't want to spill enough beans here... But I can assure you that it will be better than this one. Cheers! 

Lemme know about what you think! :)) Thank youuuuu.

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