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It’s a little weird for me to be in Steven’s room this morning. I can’t believe that we could be friends again, but I was glad we were. I still love Steven for saving me last night.

Seeing him sleep made my heart skip a beat. I know I shouldn’t be feeling this kind of thing but I just can’t help it.

Oh no! I couldn’t be in love with my best friend the whole time. I know I had loved Dolan but I have this strange feeling when it comes to Steven. I’m just not sure and probably… He doesn’t feel the same way either. That sucks.

“Morning Steven.” I whispered as I crawled to his bed and sat beside him as I waited for his response.

His eyes flutter and he smiled at me, That smile was rare by the way. I never saw that smile before… Weird huh.

“Morning Maggie.” He smiled as he pulled himself into a sitting position.

He reached for me and stretched his arms wide, like he wanted a hug or something.

“Uhm… Steven.” I started, Still looking a little stupid for ditching him off last three weeks ago.

“Yes Maggie?” He asked with a smile pasted on his face.

“I’m Sor—” before I could finish it, He covered my mouth with his hands and pulled me close to him.

Burying my face on his chest, I could hear his heart pounding.

“Shh… You don’t have to be sorry for ditching me off. I am the one who needs to be sorry for saying bad stuffs to you. Megan, I didn’t mean to say it. I do care for you. A lot, maybe I care for you more than I cared about myself.” He said.

It took him a while before he let go of me again. I felt cold chill went up on my spine when he cupped my face to look on his’.

I just smiled at him and totally felt a little flattered on what he had just said. No one ever cared to me that much, maybe my mom but her attention was always at the twins.

“What’s for breakfast?” I asked as he let out a giggle.

Probably he never went to the mall to have some groceries because when I get to open their fridge, all I can see was left over foods and some milk. No meat that we can cook for breakfast.

“Maybe we can go shopping later, and we can have a grocery?” I said.

“Sure, That’ll be great.” Steven said.

“But… You can just stay at our house until your parents showed up. It’s not good to let you stay alone in your house…” I said.

“Whatever you say Maggie.” He responded.

My shirt had already dried up when I get to wash it last night.

I was wearing the exact clothes that I’ve been wearing last day but I don’t mind it. It was washed duh?

Walking to another store from the mall… I saw this cute dress but I just don’t have the energy to try it. I was so depress when I remember what I saw yesterday.

Steven took the dress out of the rack and waved it in front of me.

“You want to try it?” Steven said, smirking at my face when I gave him a sarcastic stare.

“Nah. Who would waste their time fitting clothes at the mall? We can just go.” I said quietly. I hope he won’t think that I was still depress but Steven was Steven, what am I thinking. I’m sure he’ll read my mind.

“You are Maggie… You’re the girl who would waste their time fitting clothes at the mall. Come on Mags, I know you’re depressed but that doesn’t mean you can’t be happy anymore.” Steven said.

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