Bite, Chew, Swallow, Repeat.

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Your point of view

As Daryl walked off, I ran up to Carl and Rick.
"Rick, that building is going to fall, what happens if it does fall?" I questioned.
"We are already working on that, (y/n). We are making the wall stronger." Rick replied in an irritated tone.
I rolled my eyes, and stood next to Carl, "How do you think-"
"Well, (Y/n), let's go over here." Carl said, interrupting me, dragging me away. Rick let him pull me away, "Carl, what the hell are you doing?!" I said, trying to get out of his grasp.
"Your going to piss him off. He is already stressed out." Carl said glaring at me.
I sighed, as he let go of my arm.
"I'm going home." I said walking away, and Carl watched me as a walked off.
As I entered Aaron's home, he wasn't there. I got on the couch, and continued to read a book.
An hour later, Aaron rushed in the house.
"You need to stay in here." Aaron demanded, voice shaking.
"Aaron, what's happening? Tell me now." I said shutting the book, standing up, clenching my fists.
"Well, the wall, the building, fell."
Aaron looked at me, worried.
"What?! Is Carl okay?!"
"I-I don't know. Rick and Deanne is shooting biters, and running in the house."
"Who's house?!" I demanded.
"Jesse's I think, I don't know (y/n)!" Aaron yelled in anger.
"I NEED to find Carl." I said opening the door.
"Shut that fucking door," He yelled, as I saw the horde of walkers, walk past, some heard the door open. I stood there, shocked. I have never seen so many walkers. I head Aaron screaming my name, trying to push me out of the door way. (Y/n)! Snap out of it! Listen to me!" Aaron said, almost crying. I saw a walker, almost face to face to me, as I feel Aaron pulling me.
I start to cry, as anger boils inside me. I grab the walker in front of me, bashing it's brain in, with my fist, as I threw it down, slamming it's head in the door.
"(Y/n)!" Aaron cried out, pulling me out of the door way, kicking the rest of the walker outside.
"What the hell?" Aaron said, as I felt the cold, walker blood, run down my hand. I began to twitch, and I felt my warm tears run down my face.
"Why didn't you get out of the way?" Aaron questioned, running his fingers though his hair, "You had me worried."
"Like you could have done anything Aaron. Your not my father, my uncle, or my fucking brother." I said, standing my ground.
He went up to my face, looking into my eyes, "I may not be, but is your father here? You uncle? Your brother? They are not here protecting you, I am. I am god danmmit."
I started to cry even more.
Walkers are banging on the door.
"Fuck off." I growled.
I ran up to my room, rocking back and forth in my bed, as my face is covered in tears.
Hours later, I looked out seeing Jesse screaming. I ran down stairs, banging on Aaron's door.
"Jesse is screaming! Rick, Ron and Carl are with her! She seems hurt!"
Aaron, opened the door quickly putting on his shoes.
"Where are they?" Aaron questioned.
"I-I'll show you-" I said hearing a gun shot.
"Oh no," I said, starting to cry even more.
"They could be shooting walkers." Aaron aid trying to calm down.
"Or they could be dead!" I yelled. Aaron and I ran outside, killing walkers.
"(Y/n), Do you have a gun?" He asked, stabbing walker's heads , as I slam their heads in my knee, and fists.
"N-no, I'm not good with guns." I said lying.
"You can't just use your body as a weapon, you will get bitten."
I sighed, and pulled out my knife.
"Happy?" I growled, as Aaron nodded.
I started to stab walker in the head, but more and more came, I wanted to cry, but then I have to remember that I need to make sure Carl is okay. I got feelings for him fast. I look over and I see Maggie on the tower, banging. I can't quiet tell what's she is yelling, but a horde of walkers are after someone.
I became more weak, but I need to move forward. My arms were becoming noodles, my legs were so weak, I could barely stand.
Machine guns are being fired. I looked over seeing Sasha, Abraham, and Daryl. I looked Maggie, and her face lightened up. I smiled, and Aaron called me over.
"(Y/n)! Run over here!" He said running toward the tower. As a chased after him, my legs tripped me. I crawled toward Aaron as fast as I could.
Next thing I know, Daryl is picking me up off the ground.
"What the hell were you doin'?" Daryl questioned sternly.
"My legs, they are hurting really bad, and then they gave up, I was trying to go after Aaron." I replied, as Daryl sat me down by the tower.
"Stay there!" He yelled out.
"But i need to help!" I called back.
"You can't help, your too weak."
"I can fight through Daryl! I can fight!"
"I can't loose you again!" He yelled out, going back to the gas truck.
I stood up, my legs, still hurting. I know I needed to help, I know I need to be a fighter. I need to prove I'm not weak.
"A-Aaron, give me your gun." I said.
"You said your not good with guns." Aaron replied.
"I-I'm not! But I need to help! This place needs to be saved. All of us need to save this place." Aaron nodded and handed me his pistol.
"There is not much in there, make them count, I'll stay here, okay?"
I nodded and entered the horde. I felt this rush over come me. This, murder rush. I put the gun in NY pocket, and I did not feel weak anymore. I grabbed to walkers heads, and slammed them together, throwing them at 2 others knocking them down. The 2 'alive' walkers that were laying on the ground, I stomped both of their heads in, killing them, once again.
I started shaking, killing more with my own bare hands.
I pulled out the gun, seeing only about five walkers. I began to shake, and I cocked the gun, and put my index on the trigger. I breathed in, and shot 2 of then in the head. The hit the floor. The other three became faster and faster. Bang Bang. 2 more dead. One left. I went up to the walker, looking in its lifeless eyes, grabbing it's neck, hearing it's growls, trying to nip at me. I felt the thick blood, covering me, drip down my body.
I slowly strangled the walker, digging my fingers into its neck.
BOOM! I see fire bursting behind the walker. The walker's attention was all on me. I raised my other hand, that was not strangling the walker, grabbed it's chin, and dug my thumb underneath its chin. The cold blood oozed down my hand, and I snapped its jaw. I grabbed the gun, and shot it's head. NY eats started to ring, And I heard my voices in my head, whispering to me.
"Maybe you should become one of them."
"Carl is dead."
"Your family is dead."
"Your dead." I screamed, as Daryl ran up to me, and I dropped the walker.
"Are you alright (y/n)?" Daryl asked me, and I could see the shock in his sliver, blueish eyes.
"Where's Carl?" I looked up at him.
"I don't know, we need to see if everyone else is okay."
I nodded and started to find others.
After searching the neighborhood we found about 10 people on the porch.
"Is Carl over there?" I asked.
"He is in the house, he is not doing to hot." One replied. I ran up the porch inside, and shut the door behind me. I was looking in the rooms as Michonne stopped me.
"Is Carl okay? What happened?!" I asked worried, almost crying.
"Carl, he is with Rick, just wait until, they are don't talking."
"What happened to Carl?" Michonne just shook her head, "You'll see."
30 minutes later, Rick left the room, looking at me and nodded. I ran in there, seeing a wrap around his eye.
"C-Carl?" I said looking at him, shirtless in bed. "What happened?" I said, trying not to cry.
"What happened to you? Your covered in blood. Like when I first met you." He said, with his blue eye gleaming at me.
"I was fighting walkers, what happened?"
Carl slowly unwrapped the wrap, revealing his shot out eye. I began to shake and cry more.
Seeing the eye, reminded me on the lifeless eyes of the walker I saw. "How did t-that happen? A-are you in pain?" I asked him, with a tear streaming down my face.
"I got shot, I'm luck to be alive." He said, smiling.
I sat by the bed, as he rewrapped his eye.
"So, are you okay?" Carl asked me.
"Physically, weak. Mentally, no." I answered. Carl sat up in bed, and grabbed my hand. I felt my face heat up, as he smiled.
"I'm always here. Okay?"
"Okay, I'm always here for you too."
"You look tired, want to sleep by me?" I nodded, I was tired. As he layed back down, I took of my shoes, and layed on the opposite side of him.
"You can lay on me." Carl said, cheeks, pink.
I smiled and put my head on his chest, as he wrapped his arm around me.
He closed his eye, "I love you."
My face heated up quickly.
"I love you too."

I Can Survive On My Own. (Carl Grimes x Reader) >COMPLETED< ~EDITING~Where stories live. Discover now