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Your Point of view.....

You can hear everyone cries. I wanted to go out there, hug all of them, but I can't have Negan see me.
"What?" Negan spoke. "Was the joke that bad?"
Rick slowly looked up an mumbled slightly. "I'm going to kill you." Then he looked around for a moment.
Negan bent down to Rick, they looked in each others eyes. "What? I didn't quite catch that, you're gonna have to speak up." Negan whispered.
 I grasp the tree with my hand, slowly climbing it. 'You're a dumb ass Rick.' I thought to myself.
Rick was quiet for a moment, he looked down then up again. "Not today, not tomorrow, but I'm going to kill you." I sat on a high branch and looked down. I saw Glenn's lifeless body, a long with Abraham's. Negan made a odd kissey noise with his lips. He look directly at Rick.
 "Jesus." He slightly laughed. "Simon, what did he have? A knife?"
"He had a hatchet." Simon replied. Negan looked at Simon, raising his eyebrow.
"A hatchet?" Negan questioned. "An axe." Simon said. Negan smiled and laughed again, licking his lips.  "Simon is my right hand man, having one of those is important. I mean, what do you have left without 'em? A whole lot of work. You have one? Maybe one of these fine people still breathin'? Oh, or did I?" He slightly moved Lucille in one hit motion and clicked his tongue. Rick twitched slightly. Negan sighed.
"Sure, yeah. Give me his axe." Simon handed it to him. Negan grabbed it and started to tease Rick with it. It was quiet for a moment.
Negan got up, put the hatchet in his bottom belt. Negan roughly grabbed Rick's shoulder and started pulling him.
"I'll be right back, maybe Rick will be with me and if not, well we can just turn these people inside out wont we? I mean, the ones that are left." Negan threw Rick into the RV and slammed the door behind him.

~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~

Negan and Rick came back, Negan threw Rick in the middle of the circle. He ordered his men to put their guns at the group's head.
"Good, now, level the gun to their noses so if you have to fire," Negan put his hand by his nose, then opens his hand making an explosion noise. "It will be a real mess."
Negan looked at Carl. "Kid." Negan did the 'come here' finger thing. I started to panic. " Right here. Kid. Now." Carl slowly got up, then slowly walked to Negan. Rick looked at Carl with panic. Negan took of his belt, "Yourself all? " Negan asked.
"My what?" Carl said, so much anger in his voice. "You're a lefty?" Negan asked. "No." Carl growled. "Good." He wrapped his belt around Carl's left arm. Michonne was about as panicked as Rick is. "That hurt?" Negan asked Carl.
"No." He voice was now calm. "It should, it suppose to.  Alright,  get down on the ground kid, next to daddy. Spread them wings!" He said, throwing Carl's hat. Carl slowly stated to go on his stomach, I guess it wasn't fast enough for Negan because he started pushing Carl down. Carl's arms were at V shapes, "Simon, you got a pen?" Simon nodded, "Yeah." Then threw it to Negan. Negan caught it, opening the lid of the marker with his mouth. He knelt down to Carl and let out a loud, long sigh. Rick looked at Negan in horror. "Sorry kid, it's going to be as cold as the warlock's ball sack just like hanging small effect and drag right a crossed our forearm." He started drawing a line on Carl's arm. "There you go. If you feel a little leverage," Rick started to beg. "Please, please don't. Please don't." Negan looked at Rick and smiled. "Me?" Negan questioned and chuckled. 'No no no no.' I thought to myself, my lungs became small and it was hard to breath. "I ain't doing shit." Negan stood up. "Ah, Rick I want you to take your axe, cut your son's left arm off right on that line." Rick's eyes widened, he was freaking the hell out. 
"I know, I know, you're gonna have to process that for a minute. That makes sense. Still though, I'm going to need you to do it, or all of these people die. Then Carl dies, then all your people die, then you." Negan paused. "Eventually. I'll keep you breathing for a few years just so you can stew on it."
"Y-you don't have to do this, we understand, we understand we-" Michonne tried reasoning with Negan, but he interrupted her.
"You understand! Yeah." He raised both of his eyebrows and bit his tongue. "I'm not sure Rick does." Ricked looked over at Negan in horror. "I'm going to need a clean cut, right there on that line. Now I know, this is a screwed up thing to ask, but it needs to be like a salami slice. Nothing messy, clean, 45 degrees, give us something to fold over. We got a good doctor. Kid will be fine, probably." Negan chuckled slightly.  I started crying. Rick seemed like he couldn't do it.
"Rick." Negan bent down to Rick. "This needs to happen now. Chop chop. Or, I'll crush the little fellas skull myself."
"I-it, It, i-it, could be me. It could be me. W-W- You can d-do it to me. I-I c-can g-go with y-you."
 Rick shuttered.
"No. This is the only way." I bit my lip hard to the point it started bleeding. "Rick, pick up the axe." Rick looked at the axe. "Not making a decision, is a BIG decision! You really want to see all these people die? You will. You will see every, ugly thing. Oh my god." Rick started crying loudly, short breaths, screaming for forgiveness. "Are you gonna make me count?" Rick's blue eyes were full of sadness, his mouth dropped. "Okay Rick, you win. I AM counting, three!" Negan yelled, throwing his hand down "Please!" Rick cried, loud and long. "Please-ase!" He breathed quickly. "It can be me!" A snot bubble came out of his nose. "P-p-p-lease!" Negan crouched in front of him. "Two!"
"Please don't!" Rick's cries were becoming screeches. Negan slapped him, then grabs his face. "This is it." Negan spoke. Rick started screaming, "One!" Rick grabbed the hatchet, breathing short breaths, yet screaming all at the same time. He grabs Carl's hand, "Dad... Just do it.. Just do it." Carl whispered.I tried calming myself down, but I couldn't. 'It's just an arm. It's just an arm.' I thought. 'An arm with a hand I use to hold. An arm that would hold me when I didn't feel safe. An arm, I used to hold.'I started crying harder, my heart was beating out of my chest, knowing Rick is going to do it. Rick was shaking uncontrollably and looked at Carl. Carl's arm began shaking as Rick raised the hatchet and groaned loudly.
"Rick." Negan said, stopping Rick. Rick's breath was short and uncontrollable.
 Rick was panting like a dog, "You answer to me. You provide for me. You belong to me. Right?" Negan said, as Rick nodded. Negan got agitated, he squeezed Rick's face. "Speak when you're spoken to!"
Negan: "You provide for me!"
Rick: "P-provide for y-you."
Negan: "You belong to me! Right?!"
Rick: "R-right."
This was the moment Rick was finally defeated and he knew he was. "Right." Negan growled. Rick's breathing was slowing. Negan pointed at Rick, "Now that's the look I wanted to see."
 Everyone was looking at Negan, knowing they are now Negan's property. Negan grabbed Rick's hatchet.

I Can Survive On My Own. (Carl Grimes x Reader) >COMPLETED< ~EDITING~Where stories live. Discover now